Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SleeqE
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Audio Engineering Company Specialized in Audio Mixing, Mastering, Post-Production, Network Audio, Audio Streaming & Broadcast Audio Processing for Internet Streamers & Studio Design. Proving State-of-the-Art Services and solutions.
Kevin Allison opened Angels Gate Recording Studio in Christchurch in March of 2011. The studio was permanently closed in 2016.
My goal is to provide a bespoke experience with exceptional service. A custom selection of hand made gear and a carefully curated signal path allow me unprecedented control over bringing out the best in your music. Nothing ostentatious here, only judicious care with proven results for your music.
Hi I'm Andy and I could well be the bass guy your looking for! I've got the time, the tone and the lines that your tunes need. Add the sound of an international recording/touring Double/Electric Bassist of 20 years to your mix.
Mixing is more than just blending instruments, it requires patience, technical knowledge, and attention to detail, no matter how big or small the project is. I'm a professional that help musicians reach the audio quality they deserve for their musical masterpieces.
am a very talented musician, been in the industry for over 4 years now and i have a lot of great projescts out there, and by the grace of God i have had the opportunity to work with other great minds in the industry
I would love to sing your song. I used to do this for a living for a company called Tin Pan Alley. I can interpret what you are interested in hearing if given the correct direction. I have released records and a few of my songs have gotten very good radio airplay. I write a lot of songs. I produce developing artists who have built careers.
Recent Successes
"I highly recommend working with Nicola! He is such a talented individual and did an incredible/professional job adding strings to a track of mine! He is creative on all fronts and plays beautifully; absolutely chillin..."
"Robert is fantastic at mixing and mastering and always a pleasure to work with. My second time working with him, and both times he has helped fully engineer the vision of my album and has been so helpful, creative, an..."
"The first word that comes to mind to describe HVTCH's work is WOW. I almost don't want to tell you all how great he is cause I'm worried he'll very soon be too busy for me! But oh man, does he deserve all the success ..."
"Phatt Reggae vibes... Love his style and killer tones. Will be working with Carlton again, and again... BlessUp!"
"Super efficient on the project and straight to the point. Jordan knows how to do it and take the song far !"
"Working Knvwn was amazing!she provides perfect lyric for my project !"
"Great rock mix!!!!!!!!!!"