Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NUMAH
Powerful mixes loaded with emotion. It's all about the music and how it is reproduced.
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I have been a recording and mixing engineer at Start Together Studios in Belfast since 2011 and have experience with countless local and international bands. I mainly work with rock,punk, hardcore and metal but have extensive experience with indie and folk music too.
I’m a NYC-based producer specializing in pop, electronic, and hip hop production. I’m also a mastering engineer. I deliver forward thinking, creative production to up and coming artists. I work closely with my clients to meet their every need and realize their vision for their project.
If you check out my website you will see that I have worked with a very wide variety of genres including but not limited to; jazz, rumba, gospel, indie, blues, rock, and heavy metal. I thoroughly enjoy working with any genre. To me every project is a chance to showcase my skills while also learning something new.
Upcoming Mixing Engineer, keyboardist and composer, specializing in bringing the analog console vibe to your sound. Credits with Ta Toy Boy, Pafi and others. Pick your style, be it API, Neve, EMI, SSL, Trident, Helios, Harrison or Studer!
I'm HK producer, mix and mastering engineer at the VAMACARA STUDIO (France). I worked with a lot of artists as talented as sirenia, vented, sinseanum, betraying the martyrs, dagoba, loudblast... and I'm the last producer to work with Joey Jordison (slipknot, sinsaenum, vimic...). 20 years of experience ! Let's turn your songs into bangers ✅
YOUR professional sound.
Get a professional and modern sounding, well mixed track
My name is Allexno, a Colombian-based Music Producer who specializes in EDM genres such as Deep House, Future Bass and Melodic Dubstep
Recent Successes
"Super good, and super quick. Milana is my go to person. Even when I think I have a good track, I go to her for an even better track!"
"Fast, accurate, and fantastic to work with. Nothing but good things to say and can’t recommend him enough~"
"Max knocked it out of the park again! This was my second time working with him. He was able to quickly take my track and improve its fullness and clarity. Max has a keen ear for what makes each and every element of a ..."
"ALOU is very talented! He pays attention to detail and he‘s always open to new ideas and suggestions. He helped me out exactly the way I wanted.I most definitely recommend! "
"Highly recommended songwriter! Super faster and great lyrics!"
"Suwon is an amazing talent with prompt, polite, and professional communication. With just vocals, scratch piano, and a few notes and references, she produced a beautiful piece of work that was nearly perfect the f..."
"Always s pleasure to work with! "
"The guy is simply amazing! I’m working on an E.P with my group-mate with Fresh, and we’re also working on solo projects individually with him. He is just smashing every track. A musical genius!"
"Great producer and mixing engineer. high work quality, fast and very nice communication."