Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Northside25
I'm here to offer You thousands hours of work with music, sound, lots of instruments, bunch of different programs etc., I'm open for everything You want. I'll do my best to make You satisfied with what You want! So don't hesitate and hit me up with Your request and see but primarily HEAR what I can do.
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Hey! Im here to help you with you Dance and EDM Tracks! interested in any genre so hit me up!
Jason Mraz, Heart, Ceelo Green, Meghan Trainor, Boy George, Zedd, Jessie J, Khalid, Mike Posner, Nikka Costa, Sugar Ray, Ezra Ray Hart, Smash Mouth, ZZ Ward, The Voice Au and more.
Let’s work on the craft and get that formula down for you to grow as a great artist!!
Future Grammy Winner
I'm a storyteller. I specialize in songs for musical theatre, animation, and film, but hey, I'm flexible. I bring a lot to the table: a four-octave range, formal composition and voice training, and experience in areas across production: session singing, VO, directing, producing, marketing, editing, teaching, and more. Let's MAKE something!
I make professional graphics and videos for CANVAS looping tracks.
Aldair Castelo Artista Productor Músical Music producer
No matter the genre of music you make, I can mix and master it so it sounds professional. I have been engineering for 5+ years now, as well as composing.
Recent Successes
"Summer is an amazing professional to work with. She was able to meet a very tight deadline (which I felt horrible about asking for) and her made some minor but important modifications to the vocal melody which made a..."
"Very versatile and able to work with whatever vision you have and can even add things you didn't even know you wanted. Would work with him again no doubt. Track came out better then I expected."
"One minute Marco is playing some tasteful jazz, the next he is shredding synth and progressive metal. Awesome talent!"
"Great singer! Was fast and followed exactly how I wanted it to be, even got a FaceTime call with him, great guy."
"Daniela did an amazing job mixing a piano ballad for me. She has great attention to detail and works very collaboratively to get the best outcome from a project. I've worked with other engineers where I felt like I wa..."
"Martin is amazing, you can feel the passion in his recordings, accordions and cellos. Would love to work with him again."
"Unbelievable! It´s amazing what those great guys did! Wonderful arrangement for my Sinatra style christmas song, even ready to put in my idea in no time, great recording, sharp-as-a-knife brass and sax. No reason to a..."
"I've worked on several songs with Luke. I am blown away by the results of our latest collaboration. I love his sense of urgency. He makes your project feel like it is the most important. He is extremely creative and h..."