Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nomé
Jako is one of the most creative and versatile mixing engineers & producers in Berlin. With over 10 years of experience, he has worked with hundreds of different artists and bands -- many of whom have had much success with the projects they created together.
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I create and promote African Music throughout the world on both local and international platforms, such as TV, Radio, The Internet & Live Events.
I'm student and successful freelancer. My friend often told me "write my essay for me". My work does not let me get bored. I write different types of papers such as course essays. Each essay I create is unique help many students.
My name is Hugo, better known as Sync & Play. I'm a Swedish songwriter and musicproducer specialising in Electronic and Pop music. I've been producing music for the last 11 years. I release songs on my own and I'm helping people all around the world. I can't wait to hear from you! If you need help with a song.. hit me up!
Hi, my name is Antonio and I'm a professional drummer from Italy. I record drum tracks from my home studio. I can play any style and can record your song with or without a metronome. Can't wait to work together!
Certified Mastering Engineer Andreas Mayrhofer works with best nomenated Mix & Mastering Tools to get optimal results.
I'm a musician, not just a drummer.
Hello all, my name is Zachariah Witcher. I am a Grammy Nominated Bassist. I am also a music producer/beat maker based in Nashville, TN!
I'm a versatile singer, I adapt my voice to most musical styles. I was a finalist on Got Talent and The Voice.
Recent Successes
"AMAZING...shame on me for hesitating a moment, but she killed it vocally! Excellent songwriter too! Will work with again!"
"High standard on his work, always satisfied!"
"Freddie is truly a professional! He’s not only very professional, he’s a real friendly and genuine guy. Highly recommended to work with Fred! "
"Martin is a real gem here on SB, he delivered tracks for two songs that turned out more beautiful than I envisioned. He went "above and beyond" is a phrase used often on SB...and when it comes to Martin, it is nothin..."
"Beautiful mastering as always, job was completed just a couple of hours after I hired him :D Thank you so much Etienne !!!"
"Epic mix and master! Trey is a genius whether you give him a blank slate or if you're ready for a mix/master. Few on SoundBetter has his level of skill on all fronts. Amazing!"
" Killian rose to the challenge again with a great modern interpretation of what I forwarded to him. Unleash the magic in your song with Killian. Always delivers "