Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nok1d
Mixing Engineer with my Work racking up over 100 Million Streams on Spotify alone. Check "Kozee" on Genius for all my Credits.
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I'd love to contribute to your project! I've been recording in Nashville since 1993 as well as touring with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. I've played on many number one hits and charted songs. NomInated for ACM steel guitarist of the year. Well versed in many styles. Sweet tracks and fast turnaround!
I can help help you finish your song. I specialize in production, sound design, mixing, and overall arrangement. I can track synths, guitars, bass, keys, drums and more to add to your beats or vocals.
I'm a music producer from Nigeria, I specialize in afropop, afrobeats sound... I've worked with top artiste out of Africa like Wizkid and Davido. African sound is taking over the industry and very soon it will be what people want to party to everywhere I'm bringing that sound to you and more.
Professionally trained musical theatre singer with vocal influences in r&b,pop and soul.
Multi- Genre Producer/Engineer who has produced records for Gucci Mane, Young Thug, Lil Pump and many other artists. Capable of turning your vision into a musical reality.
Worked with Dr. Dre, J. Cole, Anderson Paak, Snoh Aalegrah, Gashi, KYLE, A. Chal, Mez, AWAY as a session guitarist, bassist, vocalist and producer. I am a seasoned session musician, producer and artist that will bring any idea you have to life.
Performing on Oil Can Guitar, acoustic, slide guitar, and electric guitar in many soulful genres.
I’m an indie pop/rock artist
Recent Successes
"Very professional. A pleasure to work with. The recording was delivered as promised. Thank you again, Gdaliy."
"Awesome guy. Gave me a ton of vocal stuff to work with. Leads, backup, doubles, harmonies etc. He did a great job and I will definitely be contacting him for future projects!"
"Stephen is wonderful to work with and he makes my songs better. Nothing else need be said, I suppose..."
"Tiffany crushed it! Needed some emotional R&B vocals for a release, and she nailed the vibe. Really dope, professional sound, and very happy with the job! Hope to work with her again!"
"When adding a vocal to my tracks first and foremost I want it to lift the track... Joey delivered that and much more. Amazing voice, perfectly tuned vocal stems, lyrics that simply work with the vibe of the track and ..."
"Marco is THE BEST. I hired him to edit the vocals on my song which has some variation and layers. It was a cover song, so it needed to measure up to the original, and Marco made it sound better than the original! My v..."
"Ryan is THE BEST. One of the most genuine, lovely guys I've met in the industry - and also so professional, so talented, so creative... and lightning quick!! I hope we continue working together because it always bring..."
"This has been an amazing experience to work with Tanya Venom of Stormstress on my Who.iAm song, L.M.K. She is a joy to work, she is all about the music. Tanya Venom is a premiere guitarist and musician!!! and having h..."
"Torsten is an absolute joy to work with and, as before (see review below), did a great job! Torsten’s mixing, mastering and vocal tuning took the current song we worked on to an entirely new level. Torsten works and c..."
"Dave is the just best! I've worked with Dave for the first time at the BMI NYC Jazz Composers Workshop and he showed himself to be a brilliant musician. He always captured the sublime even when we were merely sight-re..."
"Recommended for every style of music!"