Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nimstarr
| Unlimited Free Revisions | Serious inquiries ONLY! | MixedByIcon, also known as Icon or Jaycen Joshua Jr. , is a world-renowned go-to mixer for the Current Tastemakers in music He has worked with multitudes of Artists over the past decade from independent Artists to mainstream Artists. LET'S WORK TODAY!
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Gabor Noniusz is an award winning Budapest based mixing/mastering engineer, producer and Composer. He has been working with "A List" music artists for many years.
Commercial quality mixing & mastering services
I am a music producer and songwriter with almost a decade of working experience. I put all of myself into every piece of music I create and I take pride in my attention to detail and perfection. Whether it is production, sound design, remix or original track, I will meet your needs. Please reach out with any questions and I will be happy to help!
We're a producer and songwriter duo working across genres.
Votre Boutique de sac tendance
I have been playing bass for 20 years, my influences are in R&B, Funk, Rock, and Pop but as a bass player I am fluent in many genres. I have been a freelance touring, and session bass player in Los Angeles for the past decade. I have been doing this professionally for a long time but continue to grow with every new project and that’s what I love.
Want some guitars for your next song? Whether it's a killer solo, a catchy riff, or an entire song arrangement, I've got you covered, no matter the genre! With over 15 years of experience and an arsenal of guitars, I can always find the perfect fit for your music. Have a listen to my audio samples and hear for yourself!
Not only excellent cheese, chocolate and watches rise from the little country in the middle of Europe: also inspiring and meaningful music.
Recent Successes
"Phenomenal guitar player and all around great musician- this is our second great project and I highly recommend working with him!!"
"Chad was awesome to work with and did everything he said he would and did it when he said he'd do it. Love what he added to my song and I will undoubtedly use him again. "
"Just completed a brilliant co-production, mix and master with Austin. With his excellent production additions he took my song and made it both contemporary and commercial. Austin is very professional, responsive and r..."
"This is the second project I've been able to work with Yoed. There's no doubt that as long as he has time, I plan on using him when these kinds of projects come up! THANK YOU YOED! YOU'RE AWESOME"
"Great singer!! She really makes the vocals sound professional and radio-worthy! Great sound. I really want to work with her again. "
"Tommy Fingers is the secret weapon of anyone in the music industry. You should invest in Tommy Fingers early, because his price won't always be as affordable as it is today. "
"Bravo encore pour ton travail Etienne, toujours très attentionné et créatif, c'est un bonheur de bosser ensemble. A très vite pour la suite de notre collaboration!"
"Always a pleasure working with Sefi. What's great is that he listens to instructions and provides great services."