Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Night Bloom
Hey! I'm Alex Santilli, a Grammy nominated audio engineer, producer, speaker designer, studio manager, electronic retrofitter, and ‘Gear Whisperer’ that operates Spice House Sound in Philadelphia. I'm obsessed with audio quality and I'm nice and approachable. And I respond to emails lol
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Hello, I'm a long time Audio Engineer and Audio Tech. Love this career and love working on new age material. I'm also a mentor for the Radio, Recording, and Film Connection. "Taking Pride in Your Vibe"
my names hailey and i write songs about how i feel, lessons in life( like who your suppose to be in life), songs that could help someone cope with a problem of theirs
Been an audio engineer for over 20 years. Started with production duo Steelie & Clevie at Studio 2000. Been freelancing since about 2000. I have worked with almost all the major reggae acts recording and mixing on various projects
danielkon.com Electronic musician, arranger, composer and music producer with a passion for creating exciting emotions and unique sonic textures.
I am a singer with my own home studio. My voice is powerful, very special and very versatile so that it can adapt to a wide variety of genres. My favorite genres are pop, RnB, soul, and hip hop old school songs. If you need a singer to add that wow factor and that special touch to your track, I will be a very good choice.
Chris Barnhart, aka BVRNOUT, is an EDM producer from Massachusetts. His music has been featured on labels including Spinnin' Records, Barong Family, Dim Mak, and Armada. With collaborations with artists like Morgan Page and Kevin Rudolf, BVRNOUT offers a professional approach to electronic music production."
DARTH “Denver” MOON has been a force in the Atlanta music industry for the past 10 years. His ear for music and passion for his craft is shown in his achievements, earning a 2021 Grammy for his work on Kings Disease and topping the charts with his work on Back In Blood and EVERY CHANCE I GET.
I put as much seriousness in my own productions as in what I realize for others.
Recent Successes
"This is my 2nd experience with Rich and it certainly won't be my last! I had sent Rich one of the tracks I was working on, and he had some ideas to revamp it a little bit. We worked together and I am blown away at the..."
"Glenn laid down drum tracks for a song. He sounds great. He's talented. He communicates quickly and got the job done very quickly. Highly recommended."
"I love working with Riley. We have been working together since 2017 doing a new project about every other month. He totally gets the feeling I'm going for with each song, making each one a unique and interesting mix o..."
"Jake gave me a fast turn around, easy communication and sent me some awesome tracks. Thanks again!"
"Got to work with John again and he is always such a pro to work with. He can deliver takes that fit perfectly in the pocket or he can color outside the lines to bring some creativity to your project. He's also incredi..."
"Lydia is the best! I love working with her! If you’re reading reviews, stop and just reach out to her, you won’t be disappointed. "