Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NCMD
I'm a guitar player since 14 years, music composer/beatmaker since 11 years, mixing and mastering since 8 years.
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My Name Is Kuran! I have been doing music production in various styles since 2004. I have experience with Post production, Sound Fx creation, mixing, mastering, and live sound engineering. I am flexible with pricing, and go above and beyond with the work I do!
Professional film scoring for Cinema University Students & Others. Composing by Commissions. Music for Short films.
First & foremost I am a musician/songwriter, greatest strength is guitar, I am also a good producer and excellent engineer. I own and operate a studio since 2004, have played and wrote for several working/touring bands.I am currently in a signed band called Stone Prophet. Also owned a music venue for 15 yrs and ran sound and recorded many genres.
Soul singer that loves writing music
My name is Nicola Mendes, I've been producing and composing all sorts of genre for more than 11 years, mixing and mastering. I'm playing guitar professionally since 12 years. I'm also a conservatory student. I will do my best work for you, like if I was working for my own songs, that's how I think work must be done.
I'm a guitar player since 14 years, music composer/beatmaker since 11 years, mixing and mastering since 8 years.
Recent Successes
"Working with Austin is such a perfect experience. He response your questions in a few hours, and works for you on the weekend - great guy!"
"Robert did a fantastic job on my track. He captured the sound and "feel" I wanted perfectly. He is extremely talented and very skilled with all studio equipment and instruments. He is basically capable of doing anythi..."
"My man!!! You are a ninja! You did a fantastic job on our project, I am so thankful to have you on my team, Josh! *** Josh helped me with a vocal arrangement project. He went above and beyond for me. If you need a..."
"Voxhel is amazing! Incredibly talented and creative. Super sharp, great communication, got the vision and direction in no time, and absolutely professional. So glad to work with him and how the project turned out. 100..."
"Oh, where to start! I am very happy to be able to work with Krysta!! She is a never stopping flow of creativity!"
"Chris has an incredible set of ears, is highly skilled, has excellent taste, and is a pleasure to work with. Class act. "
"Stellar voice, creative, quick turnaround, and so nice. Definitely recommend :)"
"Been working with Tom a couple of times already. And he always does an exellent job. If you are looking for someone to master your song don't hesitate to chose him for the job. :D"
"Dani is a fantastic vocalist who works in a very professional manner to quickly and effectively produce tracks. Great communication. I will certainly hire her again in the future. "
"Thanks so much Jack! You really brought the song to life and I can't thank you enough for making it sound great :) "