Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dispersion
I'm a guitar player since 14 years, music composer/beatmaker since 11 years, mixing and mastering since 8 years.
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Hi, I am Christian. I have 5 years experience working on audio in the studio, in post production and I also create instrumentals. I am currently a University student where I study Music Technology and Production.
Producer; Mixer; Composer; Arranger; Singer; Songwriter Musician: Keys, Guitars, Bass, Percussion.
I am a modern composer, songwriter, producer and musician, who can help you realize your ideas. I was a Warner Brother's Records contracted writer, and was also acknowledged by record producer Clive Davis, as a rare writing talent.
Arranger / Sound Engineer / Mix Man
Having more than 14 years of experience in the music industry and producing, I was able to work with big and small artists, DJ Fresh being one of them. I've worked with labels like Sony Music, Universal Music, Warner Music, etc. .. and worked for companies like HelloBank, Studio Brussel etc. ..
My name is Nicola Mendes, I've been producing and composing all sorts of genre for more than 11 years, mixing and mastering. I'm playing guitar professionally since 12 years. I'm also a conservatory student. I will do my best work for you, like if I was working for my own songs, that's how I think work must be done.
I'm a guitar player since 14 years, music composer/beatmaker since 11 years, mixing and mastering since 8 years.
Recent Successes
"Great work! It's always a pleasure working with Leo!"
"Eric is a fantastic singer with a beautiful timbre and wide vocal range. He brought life in to my music with intensity and outstanding interpretation. Communicative, fast, and easy to work with! Eric is one of the bes..."
"Amazing. This is The Guy To Use. No question."
"Great guitarist! And a great guy to work with, nothing was too hard and definitely went the extra mile, really appreciate it, thank heaps Joshua!"
"Ethan has a GREAT voice, and is very good to work with. He is also versatile with a very wide range. He has sung on a rock track, and then has switched over to sing a gregorian styled chant type vocal. He nailed both...."
"Leo did a beautiful job on my iconic cover song! It's such a nice arrangement that blends so nicely with my voice, and I have hopes of it reaching a sync licensing placement - appreciated!"
"KUYANO / Fabian is a delight to work with. My second time working with him, is an outstanding success. His friendliness, patience, skill, and communication is top level. After struggling to finish my funky house tra..."