Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with natalie nie
I Mix and Master creatively and with a well thought through technical approach.
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Im an Avid Pro Tools certified sound engineer interested in mixing and mastering music online using the most accurate analog and software processes.
I'm specialized in mixing & mastering with hardwares. though I use both plug-ins hardwares. but the hardwares mix & master gives a warmth & depth to the song or music.
Hello! I play viola in studio sessions ranging from classical to pop genres, live and remote. I love arranging strings as much as I love playing viola. While viola is my main jam, I do also play violin and happy to record with both!
I'm going to be 100% transparent. I haven't mixed anything special, I'm not a wizard guitar player, I'm not even an expert in either field. But what I am good at, is identifying characters of a song that are good, and making those good characters sound great, and I will do my utmost best, to provide quality results at an affordable price.
I made music for artists of "Los Vatos Inc.", one of the most important labels in my country, I have shared the stage and made live sound for relevant artists in my country, I worked with Gregory Palencia, one of the most important rappers of hip hop
Hi all! I am a freelance Mixing Engineer that specializes in Indie Rock and Indie Pop. I have experience working with live instrument and vocal recordings, as well as vst tracks.
I will help you get your product to the quality you need at an affordable price =D
Strong, soulful pop tenor vocalist with 15 years of training who studied music and creative writing at Harvard and now works with Grammy-winning producers and writers.
Recent Successes
"Good job TMR .. Everything sounds good and I sure must work with u again on my next project.."
"It's been an honor, privilege and pleasure to be able to collaborate with such an amazing talent as Simms throughout the year! If you ever have the pleasure of working with him for as long as I've had, I assure you, y..."
"Amazing Job! Highly recommended!"
"Great creative input and great knowledge, highly recommend!!!!"
"David rocked out fantastic, professional vocal work for this project quickly and I couldn't be more satisfied! Will be a returning customer."
"Ariel is an audio visionary. His years of experience attracted me but excluding his accolades and epic portfolio he sits down with your song and perfects it to a level beyond your dreams. This guy is truly passionate ..."
"Another amazing job done by Nacho! Mu first experience with Dolby and hopefully first of many! Thank you Nacho!"
"Beautiful mix 🙌👏"
"As always, Sébastien provides beautiful sound design. The mood he's able to create is both wonderfully sparse and provocative. I continue to recommend him and I will continue to work with him."
"Was such a great experience working with ROBINS. Angie delivered the full vocal so quick and in perfect quality. Definitely will work with her again."