Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nashville - CMT
With extensive experience working with most of the major production companies in the US, Chameleon Media is one of the few Post-Production Services in the Nashville area capable of providing motion picture soundtracks and workflows that would pass even the most critical Hollywood critique.
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Young musician playing guitar and percussions but mostly electronic music for some years although i'm a beginner when it comes to pop or dance tracks. I'm always looking for nice english singer to put into my tracks since it's hard to find great ones around my area.
I am professional spokenword poet and hiphop recording artist. I write and record demos for other hiphop artist, consultant on verse writing and a spoken word poetry performer. I have performed and workshoped various venues throughout New York City and the tri-state area including the Rockwood music hall, the Bitterend and NYU to name a few.
Over 9 years of experience (over 2350 recording sessions since 2011). Recording and arrangements for Funk, Reggae, Rock, Jazz, Pop, World music, Latin Music.
Norman is an experienced writer who loves writing about educational and social issues.
Double platinum certified music producer by Norwegian standards. 18 million streams + on Spotify. Henry is currently working with Norway's most talented songwriters and singers. With over 12 years of music production ,6 years of pro-Dj'ing and 20 years of musical experience, Henry is ready to take on your next project.
Mixing Engineer
Let's work together to make the music and audio that best serves your vision and adds to the impact of your film.
Millions of streams, zero awards. Musical first approach. Obsessed with the details as much as the vibe. I started as a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist and I moved into mixing/production a decade ago. I elevate tracks by understanding both the art and the technical craft. I'm extremely detailed but also able to zoom out to nail the vibe
Recent Successes
"Julia was very professional and did a great job providing my co-writer and myself with a great vocal on our song. She has an amazing voice and we are very happy with her vocal track. We would love to have the chance ..."
"Jay is CRAZY talented!! Dude had my album sounding better then I could have imagined. Amazing communicator and very helpful on all fronts, you know your in good hands from the second you speak with this man. I will d..."
"Super cool to work with this Artist - he's got talent skills and burns up the rhyme with his rap and vocal attack - he's not short of a word, and they all get heard, hes got a vision thats just so damn fine - for a br..."
"Our first work with Brandon for a lead vocal went super great, we had some problems with lyrics and the right key to find the perfect mood, Brandon helped us with back & forth small previews and voilà we made an amazi..."
"AAAAA+ Great job of adding soprano sax to my track. I look forward to working with Kick Horns in the future."
"Fili is the best mastering engineer and his sound is great. If I search engineer because of mastering, I think I will ask to Fili."
"Elliot is the best. I just gave him my EP and he turned it around SAME DAY. Dawg is a beast, and will enhance your mix! "
"Another great project in the bag with Michael! Literally can't say enough good things about the guy! He's so professional and incredible to work with every time, and everything we get back from him just raises the lev..."