Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nas Elmes
I’m a house & techno oriented mixing and mastering engineer who has mixed/mastered music on labels such as Repopulate Mars, Solid Grooves, Experts Only, Armada, Solotoko, Anjunadeep, and much more.
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At PRS, we facilitate personal recording experiences where our artists come first. Our atmosphere is comfortable, friendly, and in a no pressure environment where the process is as important as the end result. Your project is our priority.
Recording engineer and music producer, live & studio musician, expert in mix & mastering.
everyone can find its unique sound. my goal is to develop it
Hi! I'm Siân Alex, a professional singer, songwriter and lyricist. I have over ten years experience as a songwriter, performer, and session musician, working in a variety of genres both independently and as a collaborator. I am the singer, songwriter and guitarist for the band Gold Baby and for my solo project Siân Alex.
My goal is always to facilitate YOUR vision and sound.
I do a wide array of genres including, but not limited to, indie, pop, r&b, rap, psychedelic, country/americana and everything in between. If you want a full punchy mix, I’m your guy! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.
Fast results, versatility in music genres and professional work.
Film music composer/score editor I'm doing a lot of composing work in Korea. CF, drama, documentary, film, theater, fusion traditional music, nursery rhymes The films I have worked on have been invited to various international film festivals such as the Cannes Film Festival and the Berlin Film Festival, and I like to understand new scenarios and
Recent Successes
"It was great working Raena, very easy to work with and super fast turnaround with very well recorded vocal takes, and a great selection of leads, adlibs, and vocal stacks...highly recommended!"
"Pedro managed to get 5 tracks done in a ridiculous short amount of time. He added quality, accuracy and human feel to the tracks i sent him. Very thankful for all the hard work he put into these tracks. He's one of th..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Sara, excited to begin mixing and finalizing it for release! I would defiantly work with Sara again. Not only is her voice amazing, so is her personality! :)"
"Dan is a virtuosic talent but serves the song. He has a great ear and was able to transform my somewhat vague ideas into a beautiful and melodic part. I will be back in the future!"
"Yet another fantastic experience working with Luke! Highly recommend for any and all musical needs! From mix & master to production he is always quick, talented, friendly, and communicative! "
"Art was SO generous with his time and gave me the perfect stem master. Kept all the character of my mix but cleaned it up beautifully for release. Perfect for self-produced artists who want to retain their sound but g..."
"Glad to be working together again :)"
"Gabriela is AMAZING!!! Not only does she have the most perfect voice imaginable, she writes beautifully, performs flawlessly, takes direction, and works SUPER hard. With multiple songs on the radio and several that ha..."