Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nahzzy
Are you looking for a modern sound from a VERIFIED music producer? Welcome to the sound of music by Beat Jone$. A professional producer, specializing in Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, House. A radio ready mainstream or indie sound. You will experience a one in a lifetime opportunity. Beat Jone$ is dedicated to realizing your dream.
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Unique mixing, original sound sonictition.
Play drums and do audio engineering in a band called Twenty One Two. Decided to start help others with audio engineering services after 10 years doing it for myself only.
Producer/Remix clients include Tiesto, Kaskade, Plumb, Above & Beyond, Timbaland, Omarion, Bow Wow, Kelly Rowland, Ciara, Nadia Ali, Jes, Andy Moor, Richard Bedford, and many more. Mixing & Mastering clients include Deadmau5, Dave East, Jadakiss, The Cataracs, Feenixpawl, Too $hort, Mistah F.A.B., Galestian, and many others.
I'm a classically trained 16 year old pianist, and I have about 9 years of experience with the instrument. I am looking for experience, and your wallet has nothing to fear. I'm interested in all genres.
I'm a musician and record producer from Scotland, with 10 years of industry experience and a passion for crafting boundary-pushing records. Let's make some art.
Seasoned musician with huge studio experience. At ease with many styles: Jazz, R&B, Classical, Pop, Latin Also a creative arranger for brass section.
I'm a classically trained soprano who can sing pop and other genres.
Expert in combining ethnic music into music that is relaxing and pleasant to listen to. able to make lyrics with words that touch and bring out tears
Recent Successes
"Daniela is great at communcating, and a wonderful engineer. She totally take my job to the highest standards! Definitely She´s one of my go-to mixing eng. Very unique vibes!"
"Awesome! Levelled up my track. "
"Noticed some issues with my mix ie Cymbal wash, string noise that I had not heard til after the fact and about panicked. I corrected my mix and sent a revised mix to Elliot on Saturday and got it back on Sunday. As a..."
"Working with Shelby of River Rock Records was an absolute pleasure. I sent her what I'll call "a promising track with some technical challenges," and the final result was nothing short of stunning! Drawing on her own ..."
"While initially I liked the mixes the more I sat with it the more I realized how squashed everything sounded. From the beginning, there were inconsistencies with the volume of songs which I though was the whole point ..."
"Sam gave me back great sounding masters, I’m very pleased with how all the songs on my band’s first EP turned out. If you want quality, Sam Brawner is the one to call. He always makes your music sound great, I put my..."
"amazing, talented, very responsive. Loved it"