Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Naftali kalfa
A profesional guitar player with uniqe groove and feel I have alot of exprience recording and working with great preducers singer song writers and musicans Hit me up
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Whats going on, we're "MagNificent Productionz" a music production company here in Jackson MS. Our instrumental tracks are far different than anything on the market. We provide our clients with freshly produced tracks with the latest sound design technology that will guarantee head nodding and body rocking. So "Lets Animate The Imagination"
MUSIC PRODUCTION & RECORDING SERVICES Songs Produced At Radio Quality !!! It's Time For You To Have Professional Quality Music Production, It's More Affordable Than You Think !!!!
I am engaged in mixing and editing the vocals of your songs, sound design
This is Kai Danzberg from germany. I am a musician who sings, plays guitar, some bass, drums and some piano. Since 2018 i am a signed artist on the label Big Stir Records from Los Angeles. I worked with many artists over the last decade! I offer to sing backing-vocals (harmonised) or Programming you badass drums (realistic) www.danzberg-music.de
I'm a Deejay and Producer and I'm looking for Vocals. My Genre is House , Deephouse , ElectroPop & Dance
Im an R&B and pop lover with influence from today and yesterdays sound .
Let's make your best hit song.
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure working with Kristal. She really works hard to get the project sounding the way you want it to in terms of vocals. I highly recommend her for your project! "
"Amazing job done by Austin! Took my track to another level."
"Elliot is awesome! The most patient guy, willing to do whatever it takes to get the mastering project done. Never any attitude, always just "what can I do to get you what you want"! The song came out awesome thanks to..."
"I highly recommend Natalie, it was a pleasure working with her. Aside from her amazing voice and talent, she is very friendly and professional, she delivered high quality tracks that required very little editing. I'm ..."
"All I have to say is WOW! This man can produce. If you’re new to Soundbetter and don’t know who to choose for music production, Kevin is the guy. I told him my idea and every little detail I had he nailed it spot on. ..."
"Holly is always a breeze to work with. Fast delivery and top-notch performance."
"I have to say I'm impressed with work ethic and a very client oriented approach. I wasn't sure at the begining if my decisions and ideas on tweaking the mix were right, but we just tried a bit and it was OK if I chang..."