Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mute Song
I offer quality, high end music production, mixing and a multi instrumental recording service. I specialise in taking your ideas and turning them into exciting, full sounding productions - or adding parts to your existing work. I specialise in music for TV, Film & Trailers and have a large library of professional sounds and samples.
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Hi my name is Dianna and I have been playing and writing music since I was 5. I have been on the Grammy Ballot and worked with Grammy award winning producer Josh Stevens and multiplatinum Producer Kim Fowley. Kim Fowley always said I had a radio voice! I have helped many songwriters over the years bring their vocal visions to life.
Music and Video production expert for you
Top-rated Producer, Songwriter, and Composer. Owner of HP Music.
HELLO THERE! My name is Peter. I am a musician, producer, and solo artist...and I can't wait to collaborate! I create music in a wide range of styles, from Pop to Country, Jazz to Rock, and everything in between. My specializations: musicality and versatility. I can't wait to hear your artistry and elevate your project.
Georgiy LEVVI - Producer, Engineer, Remixer and busy EDM & TRANCE artist. Music producer from Moscow. I make sure that the tracks I produce are 100% original and stand out from the rest. If you are looking for that new, modern sound in EDM & TRANCE Music...I'm your guy! I have been producing music for over 15 years. I love what i do for a living!!
I'm a professional flutist. Founder of Marimba Plus band. Worked as a soloist in Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra. Director of the Moscow Flute Center. Can play beautifully classical, contemporary world music also with jazz flavour. Will record the flute into your track with pleasure.
I have been songwriting and recording music for nearly two decades now. I recently started to focus in on electronic/dance pop. I have experience in playing acoustic guitar, drums, and bass. I spent many years singing in a choir and ensembles. Rates are negotiable.
20y experienced musician, specialized in production and OST composition, Here to bring your ideas to life!
Recent Successes
"Work with her was efficient and very effective. I'm very happy to work with Diana. She fast replied on messages. I highly recommend to collaborate with her! "
"She is so a wonderful and powerful singer not yet found. I am so glad to have found a jewel who can shine my work to the world!!!!! Simons"
"It was an honour to collaborate with Giulio Rosatelli, and to have him in my new album. Great Composer and unique artist"
"I cannot emphasise enough how talented Jack is as a composer & producer. I had a vision at the beginning and Jack was able to build an absolutely incredible track that matched exactly what I had hoped for. The deadli..."
"Katie was great to work with. She delivered all the assets with quick turn around, professionally tracked and labelled. Collaborating with Katie was super smooth. Will definitely be using Katie in the future for he..."
"Pleasure working with James..he delivered soulful parts that took the song the another level..highly recommended"
"Joy is a fantastic person with an amazing voice. I loved working with him. Joy is a very music lover ❤️"
"And once again, everything was realized just the way I wanted it! His work is simply perfect and very professional! The communication was very pleasant and was also implemented quickly! His work is definitely worth fi..."