Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mountain Heart
Inspired acoustic mix with depth.
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I'm a mixing and mastering engineer that can take your raw tracks and ready them to stream for Spotify or Apple Music to reach the masses.
Boutique Recording, Mixing, and Mastering - An independent music studio serving local artists in NE Portland
I Love Mixing for Best Sound
Specialising in analog sounding mixes using tape and combining the strengths of both analog and digital for modern production.
Contact me for Crystal Clear sound
Multi-genre producer | Mixer | Remixer | Mastering | Composer | Guitarrist | Sound Designer | TOP SCORE RATED 3% High-quality and trustful freelancer In Upwork with more than 200 clients and jobs done! Some of my clients: DISNEY, HBO, WARNER, FOX, NICKELODEON, DISCOVERY.
I'm a music producer with over 10 years of experience in customized music production across various genres. If you have a melody, rhythm, or idea in mind, I’ll transform it into a professional track. Just share a few reference tracks, and we can get started. Let’s chat to ensure your vision is clear before we dive in!
Recent Successes
"Brad is the real deal.I couldn't be happier with the project. Not only is he competent, he's willing to work until you're happy with the results. And since music is subjective, thats very important. If you're looking ..."
"Great overall experience! Excellent mastering skills and very talented producer. Also communicates well and promptly. Looking forward to more work together in the future!"
"We've already finished another one:) Silke is a musician with a capital letter that can live your song with you, also she's very creative. Silke makes my dreams come true:):):) Thank you really much!!!))))"
"Having worked with Ken on two tracks prior, I knew what to expect - flawless mixing work with on-point communication and complete professionalism end-to-end. Ken delivered in spades, bringing home another mix that sou..."
"It has been a pleasure working with Victor. He delivered every little thing I asked him for and more! I had a pretty specific sound in mind and he helped me get there with massive improvements. If you are unsure as to..."
"Very professional and listens to what the artist needs/wants. Tyler finished the project way before the deadline. Extremely satisfied with the output!"
"I couldn't have asked for more from Catherine. She writes catchy/memorable lyrics and melodies, has a beautiful voice, and is easy to communicate with. If you've been searching for a gifted singer/songwriter, you've f..."
"She always lends each song her own brand of magic and moves a tune from good to sublime with her voice and approach, lending an instant professional sheen to any track. Highly recommend!"
"Each track is a journey, masterfully produced and beautifully executed"