Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mossbridge Mage
Looking to share my skillset and 10 years of experience to help your music shine.
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Hello! My name is Glenn, and am a music psychologist, and avid searcher of the secrets behind the old question of "what is music" where I have settled into the art of Mix Engineering.
I will compose and record a tailored drum part for your song. By all means possible I will try to avoid your track having a generic drum part. I`ll write something unique, far more special than a backbeat on 2 and 4 and an occasional drum fill. This is what earned me my recording artist reputation.
Winner of the Latin Grammy 2016 best audio engineering. Winner of the Latin Grammy 2016 Best Pop Album. Nominated 2017 Latin Grammy 2017 Best Brazilian roots album. Nominated 2018 Latin Grammy 2018 Best Audio Engineering.
Connor H. Carroll is an established stereo and Dolby Atmos mastering engineer catering to both indie and label artists. Connor is determine to bring the most out of your project by highlighting confidence and feeling.
Der Respekt, die Liebe und die Leidenschaft zur handgemachten Musik sind der Motor meiner Arbeit. Ich habe Freude daran, Bands verschiedener Genres für ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis Aufnahmen bieten zu können. Meine Erfahrung in Sachen Instrumenten- und Spieltechnik, Songwriting und Arrangement teile ich dabei gerne.
Let's maximise the emotional deliverance of your tracks using analog mastering hardware! More than 20 years ago I graduated as BMA engineer from the Royal Conservatory of Music. Electro Acoustic Labs is a high-end fully treated hybrid mastering studio and offers professional mastering to both signed as upcoming talent.
High quality beats that don't cost a fortune.
Recent Successes
"TONYB is an absolutely pleasure to work with, with a killer voice and ear, great respect for your vision and assuring professionalism. I would work with him again and recommend him others!"
"Amazing work and person, thanks man!!"
"Great delivered exactly what I asked."
"Brandon is an incredible songwriter with an amazing knack for unique and explosive melodies. And he has an awesome voice with such a huge range as well! I had so much fun working with him and I would definitely go to ..."
"When I say the amount of patience Austin have is incredible. I MEAN IT! And he does an AMAZING JOB! I can’t wait to re-hire him. His professional to client service is amazing. Thank you Austin. I’ll be back."
"Tony was great to work with. He was professional and quick to respond to my messages and most importantly he's an amazing vocalist! "
"Bram's the best. He really puts in the work to get the best results for your track and he implements your feedbacks perfectly into his work! If this wasn't already enough, he does all that in a fairly low delivery time"
" Chris has an amazing voice and he gave me several different options to work with. His voice has a depth and an emotional quality that blew me away, and he made my song even better than I could have imagined. I w..."