Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mortwight
Looking to share my skillset and 10 years of experience to help your music shine.
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I’ve mastered over 1,300 music projects including artists such as, Sufjan Stevens, The Shins, Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats, J. Tillman (Father John Misty), Cold War Kids, Damien Jurado and Pedro the Lion. A handful of these projects were certified gold, and some were nominated for Grammys and Oscars.
NYC-based singer/songwriter. Member of the indie music projects, Colour Wars and Soapbox Army. Man about town.
Production Mixing And Mastering Engineer
I make beats for the creative writer, from heavily sampled based trap music to melodic acoustic beats. Send me your prefered speed and key as a basis for me to start your idea.
I've got you covered from rock vocals to soothing folk strings.
I deliver the soul and spirit to your lyric
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For me, all I want is to serve your song the best I can and deliver the bottom end that it needs.
Recent Successes
"It was a great pleasure to work with Corei Taylor. He has such a great and amazing voice, works very creatively and is very friendly. My song got an incredible sound thanks to his vocals, I am really happy about it!!..."
"Flawless tracks, prompt... I'm not sure how he is with revisions cause we didn't have any! No complaints!!"
"Very professional. I most certainly would recommend Erin. She transformed my little song into something to be proud of, despite having faced a lyric which was difficult to parse and which presented rhythmic challenges."
"Michael did a great job taking my notes and bringing great ideas to the table. Would not hesitate to reach out to him in the future. Awesome playing and extremely fast turn-around. "
"Great job and fast, thanks !"
"Hugo takes my songs to the next level...EVERY TIME"
"Steven been amazing! seriously the best engineer i worked with and great producer too. its always great to work who is also a musical expert as well. just ordering the next one and that should tell you about my expr..."
"Was a breeze working wit bro! We had the same thoughts on the body of work. Will definitely rock wit em again! 🫡"
"Another great master from Sefi. Thanks again "