Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Moh Kouyate
Hello ! I'm Louis a studio engineer working mainly for advertising, TV, podcast and music. I also own a music studio where I do professional mixing and mastering for musicians. If needed I'm also a producer of electronic music and bass player ;) I love working with new talents and give them more than they wanted !
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More providers:
My craft is emoting music production and sound-design
CB is an analog and digital recording studio based in northern Italy, run by musicians for musicians
Hi everyone, my name is Michael Torresoriko! I am from Virginia, USA. I am a junior Human Resource Specialist. I'm help people with their resume I have experience with a professional resume editing I really like my work
I am a Los Angeles based female singer, songwriter, vocal coach with credits on major network TV shows like HBO Looking, NBC Parenthood, MTV Awkward and major commercial campaigns for brands like Kellogg, Fiat, Chrysler.
Hello! My name is Pure Gold and I am a Music Producer based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I primarily compose Trap/Rap/Hip-Hop/Trap-Soul style beats, but I am musically talented and can replicate almost any style thrown at me. I also compose Samples to be used for songs, otherwise known as Melodies. Additionally, I can offer help writing lyrics.
I will radio ready (Mix/Master/Produce) to bring your vision to life.
Uniquely crafted drum sounds with loads of vibe from a passionate lover of sound and groove.
Commercial quality productions and mixing and mastering with unlimited revisions and a quick turnaround time.
Recent Successes
"Maor did a fantastic job with my song. He has an intuition for what sounds good—when my vocals weren't quite good enough, he was kind but honest in telling me, so I could rerecord them, and it ended up drastically imp..."
"Perfection!<3 Jake mixed and mastered my song , he always bring my songs to live and give the professional 3d wide sound that I`ve always looking for! Awsm to work with ! Highly recommended !!"
"The man is a genius - such a difficult song to work on cause it's really almost like a true garage song where it's these weird tri tones slightly off rhythm progressions and theres a lot of stuff going on but Rasmus p..."
"I love getting to work with new collaborators and instantly catching a good vibe. Britney was definitely one those experiences. She delivered and amazing hook for my song! I hope to work with her again down the road. :)"
"Sean is one of the most talented, helpful, and hardest working guys I’ve worked with. At this point I can’t think of sending my tracks to anyone but him! "
"Amazing work by Danny. I can't say enough about this brilliant big band arrangement. Nelson Riddle eat your heart out. "
"Gio is the best mixing engineer out there! He always provides quality mixes and is great and taking feedback and making your music sound better than imagined"
"It was an absolute pleasure working with Eileen. Incredible vocals, but she was also very patient with me as we went back and forth on different vocal/melody ideas until we got something that fit just right for the tr..."
"Ivy is fantastic! Amazing vocalist, great harmonies and easy to work with/quick turn around. You definitely want to use her for your next project!"