Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Modera
Songwriting and vocals with unique tonal qualities, tugging strings of familiarity and edge.
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I'm an Audio Engineer based out of Lebanon. My goal is to craft moderate sounding songs into big-budget sounding records. Doesn’t matter what tools I have at my disposal, I will make your music shine as it should.
Sound engineer graduate with strong composition skills and over 6 years experience in music production, acknowledged for excellent mixing and production abilities. Having had performed live with other artists on stage to working long hours in studio, this individual is a hard working creative who is ready to get to the next level
My name is Giancarlo and I'm a Brooklyn, NY based audio engineer with over 10 years of experience. I'd like to get to know you, your project and goal. I specialize in Indie Dance/Nu-Disco tracks and but happy to work in any genre. I'm excited to hear your music and thrilled to start helping you reach your vision.
Audio Engineer, Producer
Hello! Offering free mixing services as I try and hone my mixing and mastering ambition. I have moderate experience recording personal projects and collaborations and am looking to expand my skillset.
Are you looking for a moderately priced mix with a magnificent master, that gives amazing sound? If so, look no further than right here...like RIGHT HERE! V.P. Music Mixing & Mastering is here to become your new hidden audio gem. Be the envy of artists around you by grabbing a mix or get the final touches put on your mix with a quality master!
Our team of producers and vocalists specialize in Sample Replays & Publishing Clearance
Recent Successes
"It was fun working with Alina, she is delivering amazing work. Very creative, quick and professional. She'll understand your needs and get you where you need to be with no revisions. Will definitely collab again. "
"Great singer super fast !"
"Just wrapped up another one with Seb and as always he delivered stellar results. It's such an honor to have his contributions and talent on my album as he really helped bring out the very best of my vocals. He is bril..."
"A dream voice. Jesse expressed my music with devastating power, beauty and passion. "
"Juno is extremely fast and reliable, an expert at detail and sounds great. Hope to work with him again in the future! "
"Matt across both LPs for my band has been a excellent and best in the business mixing engineer to work with! Very understanding, patient, and capable of elevating a vision to the best it can be - would highly recommen..."
"I needed help with sound design of 3 guitar tracks and Dennis made multiple versions of each track. Everything was delivered fast and easy. My truly recommendations for this Rock Producer!"
"WOW! Ashley is AMAZING! I don’t even know what else to say. True artist, a total pro who really understands what’s up. THANK YOU!! "
"Darrell's tracks keep everything lined up, and I like the style he puts into each of my songs...very steady and appropriate!"