Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 043ghost
Verse/Hook, Song, Video, Name It, We Deliver!
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My name is sNine, I produce beats, play guitar, do mixing and mastering. I have been doing music for 8 years.
I'm a full time artist & business owner generating 1,000,000 streams a month across platforms with major brand placements such as Adidas, ESPN, Fashion Nova, MLB & many others. I've used my diverse skillset to service hundreds of artists in the realm of production, video, graphic design & marketing. In short, I help artists become viable.
Dustin has been working as a session guitarist, songwriter, and producer since 2007. Many of his tracks can be found on several documentaries and cable television shows including Viceland's Needles & Pins with Grace Neutral (main theme), East Finals NBA, NBA regular season, UFC Ultimate Insider, The Trixie & Katya Show, 3AM, and many more.
Im a professional guitarist and music producer from EMMAT a Berklee Global Partner. I'm also a songwriter, and I work at my own home studio (focused on guitar capture), where I can mix and edit anything that you require. It would be a pleasure to work for you.
Lyons & Vinn are a songwriting/topline duo based in Los Angeles and Dubai. They have written for major label artists such as Shaun Warner (Universal MENA) and Marta Galuszewska (Universal Poland, Eurovision), and have won an honorable mention in the 2017 International Songwriting Competition. Both are alums of Berklee College of Music.
Taking your song to the next level with premium lyrics, velvety smooth vocals, and top tier arrangements. Looking forward to creating magic with you. Let's Work!
Successful dance music producer. More than 25 years being one half of Disco production duo Faze Action. Andromeda Orchestra and Rudy's Midnight Machine are side projects. All have been bestsellers on both vinyl and digitally.
Professional multi-instrumentalist specializing in lead/rhythm guitar, bass, and lap-steel. I'm comfortable working across many genres including pop, rock, country, americana, folk, indie, lo-fi, and neo-soul.
Recent Successes
"If i need to summarize my working expreince with Charlotte in one word I would say - Disappointment, in two words - Big disappointment . I just want to mention that i took in my review all the important aspects like c..."
"What impressed me most with GEKKO, aside from his ability to create amazing production and beats (really really good), was his responsiveness and ability to communicate. He is thorough in his messages and is open t..."
"Wow. Rory was one of the best I’ve worked with. His knowledge about music is amazing and has a beautiful voice. He was able to make the track 100x better and in a timely matter. 10/10"
"Worked fast, delivered a wicked beat, followed the instructions while doing something original, this bunch of stars says : highly recommended."
"Kevin is the ultimate master song craftsman. I am 100% certain that if you hire him, he will create a banger that will chart like no other writer/producer on SoundBetter. Trust in Kevin. An amazing talent."
"The man is just a Savant. Per usual, timely, creative, collaborative and just a fun time. 🔥"
"Ethan does an awesome job of building songs with great arrangements, vocals and guitar tracks. His guitar skills are top notch as is his ability to tell a story vocally. Vocals and specially the top line with intere..."
"Amazing experience to work with Agustin. Top professional, great pianist, great communication, fast delivery... In a word, a superb opportunity to be redone! "