Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with mj baby
Milly Vevo is a Florida Artist that has a genuine love for music you may be surprised but Milly Vevo just raps he can sing, makes beats, mix and master his own music. He is available for booking for all occasions but notify in a two week's advance.
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Hey, my name is Sergii, I'm a producer, mixing and mastering engineer. Here is the link to my soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/pvndv.
Music Producer and Mix-Master Engineer
Versitile engineer who has mixed and mastered Billboard charting songs.
A singer-songwriter-rapper just trying to be noticed!! If you like my music you will be on the top of my priorities. If you love my music, I will be on the top of yours. Just trying to accomplish the second one!
Thoughtful & intuitive improviser, Hashbass needs one take on a session to say what he has to say.
Three in one package ( lyricist/singer/ vocal production) .
Mixing and Mastering Services for any and all Electronic Dance Music.
20 million streams accross platforms, 15+ years of experience in EDM and POP music.
Recent Successes
"Thank you Mr Hairston You did an Amazing job !!!"
"This was my first project with Corey and I am very pleased with it. He was patient with me as I had to send missing files. He is very professional. Also, he finished the project early. I recommend him and I'll be u..."
"Varti was extremely professional and helpful. He took my idea and turned it into a masterpiece, added original music and really listened to everything I said. More than happy with the result and would definitely hire ..."
"Great communication and very honest. These engineers are great! Keep it up guys!"
"Great guy, and super supportive. Helped me and my mix. Will be back soon again"
"its more than music, my bro official A+ as always"
"Reuben brings my mixes to the next level!!! 100% one of the best. AND he really cares. Definitely will work with him again"
"Honey was super and I was happy to work with her She’s very talented "
"Firstly, Alex is an excellent musician. His love for music and his proficiency in producing music is the reason why Alex is so good at what he does. You were awesome to work with, your intuition and musical instinct..."
"Brilliant job again from Paul. Mastered another instrumental and I am very happy with what he's doing!"