Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Michael Palmer
Top-level mix & master engineer, instrumentalist. Produced for Steel Pulse,Iya Terra,Alborosie,Stick Figure, Iration, Rebelution,SOJA, KBong,Tribal Seeds,Slightly Stoopid,Trevor Hall ,Mykal Rose ,The Elovators ,Arise Roots ,Sizzla, Lutan Fyah, Chezidek, Duane Stephenson, Eli Mac, Dre Island,Leilani Wolfgramm,Inna Vision,Million Styles,Gonzo, &more
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SunKing Studios is the work place of producer/engineer Stephen Kaye. Located in Los Angeles, Steve is dedicated to working with passionate musicians, producers and directors in making ideas leap to life.
Mixer and producer based in Tel Aviv. Doing my best making great music, one project at a time.
Platinum producer, +10 years of experiences, multi-instrumentalist, mix & master engineer. +100 million streams/views on streaming services.
100% Analog audio signal path with the best gear on the market ! It‘s not a job , it‘s a passion !
I'm a Colombian-American multi-genre artist with 10+ years of experience in music. With an extensive background crafting music libraries tailored for TV networks and film, I specialize in delivering catchy toplines and singles. My melodies have made it on Netflix, Hulu, Lifetime, Bravo, MTV, and more.
Do you need your music mixed & mastered?
I am a Music Producer and Sound Production graduate from Box Hill Institute, Melbourne looking to work with artists on their releases
Naturally born to provide pure music
Recent Successes
"Dave is an excellent mastering engineer. This is my first time working with him and it was a great experience. I will be working with him again. "
"really cool to work with, he know exactly how to make your track shine !! I'm going to work with him again for sure"
"Very quick with quality sound, appreciate the help! Hope to come back for some more. "
"Trent is insane!! Will definitely use again."
"Phenomenal singer, with a beautiful voice and very fast and professional work ethic. Justin will certainly deliver and give your song what it needs."
"Rob was very happy to listen to any and all feedback we had when we were going back and forward with different mixes of our track. He ensured that a process like this was made smooth and easy (especially considering t..."
"Kimera and I have been working together for 2 years...and every project, we are more in sync...more communicative...more suggestive. Her voice is incomparable. But I will Never tire of saying that her musical intelle..."
"As with any great creative endeavor it takes a team of collaborators who are excellent in their respective roles to produce classic music. I am so grateful to have found Julian on Soundbetter. He adds the master mixer..."
"Aili was just amazing. Perfect vocals with great quality and fast delivery. Thank you so much! Hope to work with her again in the near future!"
"Como siempre un Placer trabajar con Andrés, en tiempo y con buenas observaciones para mejorar la mezcla como siempre!"