Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Metz Jnr
I write guitar tracks that make your music stand out. Together we can make your songs and productions better with guitar tracks that inspire you and have that unique edge that you are looking for.
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Music Producer / Artist
Music Producer Mixing and Mastering engineer Guitar Player Bass Player Drum programmer (very realistic)
Tidal Wave Sounds is a music production company based in the Tri-state area. We've been helping artists and bands write great songs and make great recordings since 2012. Let us bring you to the peak of your sound.
I'm an LA based engineer that has worked with many of the top artists and producers in the music industry. This includes a wide array of artists including Nick Jonas, Fifth Harmony, Lana Del Ray, Afrojack, RedOne, and many many more. I'm always looking for new and inspiring artists and music to work with.
25yo Mixing & Mastering engineer. All itb Set-up Logic Pro X Focal alpha 80 Saffire liquid
Bass Player
Ferita, a famous Iranian singer whose real name is not known, was born in Tonekabon, Iran. she started playing guitar and singing with teacher Mehdi Sepehr, and after a few years, he has been active as a backing vocalist in the singing group "Del Nabejan" under the supervision of teacher Hamidi. We started the album with master Mohammad Mozen , in
Recent Successes
"Thomas is a talented songwriter and an amazing singer, working with him has been awesome. He is kind, professional and incredibly punctual, and most important, he works with passion. I'm surely going to work with him ..."
"Chad was so awesome to work with! If you need anything with a guitar done I 100% recommend you ask Chad. He is very easy to work with and extremely talented. If I need a guitar for a song in the future he will be the ..."
"Ohad is definitely not amateur! He knows his stuff. Great service and quality output, what you expect from a professional. And he has time to listen :). So please don't hesitate to check him out! Cheers...WT"
"Diego is a Jack of all trades!!! He not only kills it on bass, but also electric guitar and drums! If you need any work done related to any genre your safest bet is with Diego. "
"2nd track mixed by Sam for us, we are more than happy with the results, very looking forward for the next one :)"
"It's always a great experience! Talented, good communicator and kind! Well done!"
"Always a pleasure to work with Gosteffects! Super talented and always professional. Nails it on the first mix! "
"This guy is amazing. Always the highest quality. "