Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Members Media
Quality Production, Mixing & Mastering. 100,000,000 + streams in the last two years.
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Sound engineer (studio), music producer and DJ, with an emphasis on mixing, production, post production audio and mastering
“MESMERISING” **** The London Times - I transform the ordinary into extraordinary, creating complex sound worlds with evolving musical forms and atmospherics. I use soundscaping, guitar layering, treated voice and a diverse range of acoustic and electronic instruments to build hypnotic musical landscapes.
I am a professional, full-time mixing engineer with over 17 years of experience.
My passion - is to create new music with talented people. I put all of me into the music such as my SOUL, Powerful voice, Vocal melody's ideas and lyrics (if needed) I'm always online and interested in final result of our collaboration!
20+ years experience in the industry focusing on producing a cappella groups and singer-songwriters. Master of Melodyne and audio editing and shaping in ProTools. Engineered and Mixed songs for BaSix and Naturally7. Multiple wins and nominations for Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (CARAs) dating back to 2001.
If you're looking for a singer to add some flavor to your song, or maybe give a little bit of an edge then I'm you're singer. A rock and roll singer with roots in R & B, I'm a versatile singer who is ready to bring your project to life. The Rock and Roll Cheerleader!! Let's do this.
Hey, I'm Nour. I am a music producer, audio engineer and beat maker. I can provide you with services such as: • Audio engineering, including mixing and mastering • Removing noise and interference with high professionalism • Balance of singing and rhythm • Remix between songs • Audio-level output path suitable for all platforms such as Spotify
I will mix and master rap, pop, rnb songs professionaly.
Recent Successes
"I have a lot of fun working with Diego, he is a great bassist with good ideas and wants to help you get the right bass line for your music!"
"Great experience once again, Corey did amazing on this song , big sound even though microphone used to record vocal was very low end"
"Kyle was awesome to work with. Incredibly talented drummer, super fast turnaround, and great communication. My new go-to when it comes to drummers on soundbetter. Thanks again man!"
"5/5, everytime!! The mix + master Rob did for me sounds incredible! He's definitely the best engineer I have ever worked with! I highly recommend working with him!"
"Michelle has a beautiful voice and made a great job! Also she has a great professionalism standard and she was fully inside the job. I hope to see her as soon as possible for another one!"
"once again, Elliot delivered with speed and class. He's consistently responsive and pleasant as well as supportive! Can't wait to drop this new single he worked on. "
"Always a pleasure working with Austin."
"I shared a demo track with Marcus, and he worked wonders with it. He skillfully expanded on my concept, transforming the song into something truly beautiful... His exceptional writing skills truly shine. If you're see..."
"I’m really impressed with the fantastic mix Yuval crafted from my original track. His willingness to listen and respond to my feedback was remarkable, and he expertly resolved every challenge along the way. Yuval’s ..."