Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Melo614
Pop production with a fresh and modern sound, worked with many artists across many genres.
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Mixing and Mastering Engineer // Producer for Hip Hop / Rap
I am a Canadian producer, composer, singer, and songwriter. My main genre of music includes Pop, RnB, Hip Hop, Trap & EDM. My songs have seen success in radio stations all across the world from Calgary, Toronto, London (England), Sri Lanka, and Australia. Consult me for original and cover song productions.
Every song deserves distinct vocals, relatable lyrics and a memorable feel that brings a song to life. from my experience the best songs invoke a feeling of nostalgia. Combine these two ideas and you have a classic song for the ages. Having been a songwriter and vocalist for over a decade rest assured I will bring your idea to life.
If you are looking for a hot and latin sound through the horn, I can help with that! If you are looking for an arrangement or composition lines for your group, brass, winds I can help with!
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I've been working with awesome artists and known companies for many years and also been writing thousands of songs for tv shows, commercials, corporation, film and more. If you want your project to sound professional and special services, send me a message and I will be more than happy to help.
Send your choppy audio files, sloppy love songs, and flimsy arrangements my way and I'll tell you where and how I can help. I'm not here to oversell my skills. I don't have formal education in this but I have been making music for the past 10 years and working in the field professionally for more than a year.
I feel very lucky... throughout my career I have worked with Jamaican legends who approve my way of working, providing unique techniques of the style. DubWise and wicked alternative versions are my specialty! Yes! The most important for me, the connection between the Artist and the Engineer... Guaranteed results! Let's do it!
Recent Successes
"Joey is fire!! and he is quick with great radio pen game!!!!!"
"We are always happy to work with Savy! He has been mixing, producing and mastering our artists for a while now. We just had him master one of our upcoming releases and he delivered as always an exceptional sound and h..."
"AWESOME!! A great producer with real good oriental understand and knowhow. I will order again! Thank you!!"
"If you don't use Al for your mix jobs your song will compare itself to other mixes, come back and knock on your door at 2am and slap you. Do the right thing... use Al before he blows up and raises his price or we blow..."
"GËKKØ is fantastic to work with. I have worked with him on 10 different projects and will definitely work with him on many, many more projects. If you work with him you will 100% sure get a high quality sound OR EVEN ..."
"Stunning vocals on another 2 tracks, she always delivers something special, Thanks Amelia"
"Thank you very much for everything you did man! I really appreciate it!✌🏻"
"Fantastic job once again by Daniel, really attentive to details and brings the music to an incredible whole new level. Amazing work as always!! Thank you very much Daniel!"