Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Melbourne Symphny Orchestra
Ditch those MIDI violins! I can arrange string parts for you and record a multitude of glittering violins for your pop, folk, metal, country or hip hop tracks.
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I'm a mixing engineer, producer, and musician from Auckland, New Zealand. My production strengths come from experiences as a musician, having played on stages of all sizes and recorded in many studios alongside talented producers and engineers. With years of training and experience, I work well with artists because I've been in their shoes myself!
A Tastemaker with a Professional Sound and Other-Worldly Communication. I've Brought the Personal Touch Back to the Mixing Industry! All Genres, Styles, and Project Sizes Welcome. Unlimited Free Revisions.
I will make your song groove!
Work with me, for a quick and easy turnaround!
I'll put the magic into your mix, the sauce into your musical style. Locally known as "The Wizard".
I’m a young producer looking to make money doing music and helping other people, my two favorite things in life. I have 4 years of experience in Ableton Live and offer professional Production services.
Multiple features on 'New Music Friday' and millions of streams on Spotify// Tik Tok sensation - Bethia (mixed all of her recent releases)// Eva-Lina - Signed Sweedish pop act (NEW MUSIC FRIDAY UK) - Mixed her single 'I Am the Ex Now' //CHINCHILLA - signed to SONY MUSIC - Mixed 'Know No'
13+ years experience in teaching music to hundreds of students and 7+ years experience in music production with artists. I have learned how to turn an artist's vision into sound. Skilled and experienced in teaching and production, I will use my intuition and ears to understand what your vision is for your musical journey, and help you achieve it.
Recent Successes
"My third time working with Igor. He was the mixing engineer for Tantalize's 4th song. He created a huge sound at an affordable price. Igor is very patient. He goes the extra mile to make your music sound as good as..."
"Oh my, oh my, Harry doesn't stop to amaze me. I was thrilled with the first song he did for me, and now he's taken my 2nd track UP another notch. Wow!!! I love it so much. Thanks Harry. I'm so excited right now, need..."
"Matthew did an outstanding job revising my work and giving feedback and suggestions on my lyrics. The completeness of his analysis helped me taking critical decisions to improve quality. It was a superb work, couldn’t..."
"Always a pleasure working with Rusty, he's a true pro and we are always on the same page. Can't go wrong hiring him. "
"I highly recommend Ben for all your music needs! He did an incredible job editing my vocals, exceeding my high expectations. He is extremely detail-oriented, genuinely cares about making his clients happy, and is a fa..."
"Mar Phil provided just what I needed in such a fast time. Great voice with great melody structure. Will be back again. "
"True Hails to the great ones as always, same drive, percussion, and top A playing as always. "
"I really liked working with Sean. He was very quick on the work and even though I was very picky, he listened carefully and matched my vision. "
"Working with David was a pleasure! He’s a true professional, talented musician, and great producer. He listened to all my ideas and made the process smooth and enjoyable. I’m really happy with our collaboration and wi..."