Rafael Vallerio

Dolby Atmos & Music Production

11 Reviews (2 Verified)
Rafael Vallerio on SoundBetter

Educator, Pro Tools Multi Certified Engineer, Dolby Atmos 7.1.4, Surround and Stereo Mixer, sitting on an Apple Digital Master Certified Room. Plus 21 years of professional experience, proudly dedicated the most by helping Indie artists to sound awesome on music, audiovisual creators to get the best sound with post production for their projects

I'm passionate about helping independent artists, producers and content creators to achieve exceptional results for the Music, Broadcast, and Cinema industries. The general quality of a project also means to do not work only on the technical solution, press the right buttons, or anything else considered as a technical requirement.

BTW, If you wan't me only for press the magic buttons, it wouldn't be a problem at all, but I believe there is like an extra power that we could only find when we do exercising the creative interaction, sharing different layers of the artistic perception, feelings, who can be supported by information, technical, and practical terms. That is something present at all of my long terms partnership with so many clients for so many years!

Sound Quality is just a point of view supported by experiences and repertoire, the most important thing to me is to get in tune with your creative rhythm, use all the available technology to meetup and stick together as the progression goes further, inspire and get inspired by many ways as a good conversation time!

I'm always available for talking, all the creative sessions can be streamed from our mixing room in HiFi, we can also livestream Dolby Atmos binaural. 7.1.4 physical, and surround formats!

There's nothing we can't do for your project. Ask for a quote, and let's have a good chat time!

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.


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11 Reviews - 3 Repeat Clients

Endorse Rafael Vallerio
  1. Review by Quinns Pheh

    Thanks again Raphael.

  2. Review by Quinns Pheh

    Five stars!

  3. Review by Bruna Lima
    by Bruna Lima

    O Rafael Prego é um profissional excepcional.
    Tenho trabalhado com ele por cerca de 20 anos e posso dizer que está sempre a frente do seu tempo.
    Sempre com ideias criativas e timbres únicos.
    Trabalhar com o Rafael é certeza de ter um ótimo resultado que ultrapassa as expectativas. Recomendo!

  4. Review by Renan S.

    Excelente profissional!!! Com certeza foi uma mixagem ÚNICA e ORIGINAL!!! Fizemos mixagem de dois sons e com certeza faremos mais 🙌

    Abraço RAFA

  5. Review by Millie Panichi
    by Millie Panichi

    My company has been working with Rafael for 10 years, relying on his skills for many projects, including immersive Dolby Atmos mixes, intricate sound design, and soundtracks. With technical expertise and artistic sensitivity, he excels in all areas of audio post-production. I highly recommend this professional.

  6. Review by Maria Pinho
    by Maria Pinho

    An outstanding professional, highly competent and talented. Moreover, he is a collaborative and easy-to-work-with individual. He prioritizes the project and listens carefully to our guidance. Rafael consistently exceeds our expectations. If you are in search of a high-quality expert in sound post-production, I strongly recommend hiring him, and Im already looking forward to future collaborations.

  7. Review by Pedro Zupo
    by Pedro Zupo

    I had worked with some producers by the years ...and NONE was better than this guy ! He really knows how someone wants to sound

  8. Review by Daniel Dheme Gregorio Da silva
    by Daniel Dheme Gregorio Da silva

    Rafael Prego é um profissional da música altamente competente em sua área de atuação. Tive o prazer de colaborar com ele ao longo de vários anos. Recomendo entusiasticamente seu trabalho e posso atestar a qualidade excepcional de suas produções musicais, mixagens e masterizações.

  9. Review by Victor
    by Victor

    To say Rafael is an excellent producer is basically a pleonasm. I had the pleasure of making same recordings with him, and having to follow the work of other musicians. It's not just the final quality that is absurd. The work methodology and the light way he does the work make all the difference

  10. Review by San Oliver
    by San Oliver

    The best producer... I highly recommend the job. Quality first.

  11. Review by Bruno Pereira
    by Bruno Pereira

    We worked together in a studio for a year, and he produced a couple of projects of mine. Criative, brings up a lot of good ideas and references at the process. Excelent producer and post production expert. Amazing person to work with!

Interview with Rafael Vallerio

  1. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  2. A: Digital: Dolby Atmos is better than any, i repeat: ANY analog gear!

  3. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  4. A: They'll have all I know!, and I LOVE TO TALK! hahahaha about music, a particular song, informations about the process, why we can do this and don't do that... in the end, in addiction they'll have a good sound plus information!

  5. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  6. A: Nowadays i think is the process. I could also say about the freedom, but as i work for clients I need to carry about the job demands. But I love it, this is what I've doing for more than 20 years!

  7. Q: What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?

  8. A: How much time i need, how it works and pricing. All depends on their needs and everything can be handled.

  9. Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?

  10. A: Nowadays, people don't even thing that mastering will fix mixing problems, they're thinking that mastering will solve at all, the equation is: bad performance/recording/mixing = we fix in mastering!

  11. Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?

  12. A: If this is their first job, delivery time, how many tracks or stems and style.

  13. Q: What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

  14. A: Gear don't make music, people do it!

  15. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  16. A: Something to help me back to my family soon!

  17. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  18. A: Started in 2001, but the first audio engineering course is from 2003. I've worked in the greatest recording studios in Brazil (i've worked in the first TDM System in Latam, at the Anonimato Studio). Nowadays i'm working at my Dolby Atmos mixing studios in my home.

  19. Q: How would you describe your style?

  20. A: I'm a respectfully person in life. Not only at working, but in life. I'll aways try to bring some point of view if needed, but I'll make what the client want. I mean, if the client want to go through the wrong way I'll advert them of course, but I do not own the right opinions, maybe that crazy ideia is "that new" something. In addiction of respecting the client wishes, i'll also try to understand and jump inside their ideas, doing my job to make all the tracks in that song sounds how they need to make that wishes comes to life. For me, music production is not something that people only do for became famous, people do it just to express them selfs, feeling good, and I don't need to always put them in a shape, trying to enforce a success on them for my own reasons.

  21. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  22. A: Dave Grohl. I think he have a incredible vision of something like: what this song want?

  23. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  24. A: Composition is the key. If you are an artist or producer that is your goal, don't spend your time thinking in studio gears, sound engineering and stuff like that, take all your time to work on composition and performance. If you are a sound engineer, you need to make the song breath, as well don't try change all industry by doing something too crazy, or way out certain musical genre. You don't need to find, or create the super new secret weapon to win all grammy awards. Just mix it! If you get a SUPER AWESOME composition in your DAW.... well, just mix it! hahahahahaha

  25. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  26. A: Rock, orchestral, pop, reggae, metal.

  27. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  28. A: I'm a Pro Tools expert, certified since 2009. But I'm always studding new technologies, formats, and the industry evolution. Keep updated is my goal and is the best thing I can do for my clients.

  29. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  30. A: What the final consumer will feel when they listen to that song? Otherwise, as I mainly work with independent artists, I try to take care about the Artist wishes, give them a good creative experience, trying to translate their ideas that can be a little bit fuzzy in their minds, into something that will be recognized as certain style/genre song.

  31. Q: What's your typical work process?

  32. A: Nowadays is mixing in Dolby Atmos first. All sound engineers that are mixing with Dolby Renderer noticed that Dolby codecs can delivery a strongly better quality for all formats, even better than boutique analog gear. This is the new approach for now and all future releases: Dolby Atmos must be the primal format.

  33. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  34. A: As I get focused only at Dolby Atmos mixing for the last two years, the gear is all digital. Our main concerns are good computer processing, acoustic and monitoring more than anything.

  35. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  36. A: Trend Reznor, Dave Grohl, Justin Vernon,

  37. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  38. A: Dolby Atmos mixing, Dolby Stereo Mastering (LoRo/LtRt)

Dedjango/Deixa Fluir

I was the Mixing Engineer and Music Producer in this production

Terms Of Service

We offer a couple of recalls; stream our mixing sessions; but only the creative and final mix adjustment. Please use your good sense for that. You fund first, we delivery after you release the funding

GenresSounds Like
  • Foo Fighters
  • John Mayer
  • Helloween
Gear Highlights
  • Adam
  • Yamaha
  • Mac
  • DAPS/Album Assembler
  • DAR and Pro Tools
  • UA
  • Focusrite
  • Avid
  • DSP
  • PA Mega Bundle
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