Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MC ORTHO
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Emma is a versatile and accomplished, award-winning singer who has worked with Michael Buble, Goldie, Robbie Williams, Seal to name a few. She has top-lined and recorded vocals for many DJ's and producers including cuts for Friction and Fedde LeGrand.
Hello, I specialize in remote mixing and producing pop, rock, country, country pop and bluegrass. After mixing your track “in the box” I will run it through my high level analog chain -Neve 5057 Summing Mixer > SSL Fusion > WA Master Bus Compressor > Maag Master EQ > Neve MBC AD Converter/Limiter- to get you a Radio Ready Track.
Yes, I would like to work on your project. I can get started right away. I guarantee you will always be happy with the end result.
Professional musician for years at first, I entered an Audio engineering School called ESIS in Paris. Ended up in Nashville Tennessee, working with the greatest such as Ryan Hewitt (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Chad Carlson (Taylor Swift), Julian King, Eddie Bayers, and many others... More than a job, its a passion
Ghostwriting and or creative direction for your project or single
Credits: DeeSafari, WIDE$, Blazzze, OG Sunrise, HighLove and more
Do you feel something is missing in your track or need to level up your music?! Let me help you! :)
Songwriter & Producer with 10+ Years Experience in Creating Hits Across Genres. 2014 House Of Blues Showcase winner.
Recent Successes
"Great ingeneer with musical ears!! Always pleasure to work with Arthur!!"
"Sean helped me every step of the way for creating a new canvas for my Spotify single. Good man."
"Jerry was a real pleasure to work with - in his first mix he brought out some beautiful dream pop elements of the song which set it up for just a couple of minor revisions from there. Jerry had a clear vision for whe..."
"Susannah was excellent to work with! "
"Luizinho worked with great professionalism, care and speed, he understood the song from the first moment, making himself available to collaborate closely to get the best possible result."
"Kioku did a fantastic job writing lyrics and performing the vocals on my track. Great communication and really made an effort to bring my idea to life. Would highly recommend!"
"This song was so cool to do, Its release. better man, Darren is the complete package, He does everything. so much value he offers to us. "
"Michelle delivered such a beautiful string and piano arrangement for a song that I wrote for a partner of mine who passed away a few years ago. She really listened and showed how much she cared by the detail and emoti..."