Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mathias Lillmåns
Worked on mixes featuring David Reece (Accept, Bonfire), Marcos Rodriguez (Rage), Petri Lindroos (Ensiferum, Norther), Mathias Lillmåns (Finntroll), Anabelle Iratni (Cradle Of Filth). The founder of Slaughtered Studio that has succeeded in mixing metal and rock music. Good reviews from producers such as Mark Kramer and Peter Tagtgren.
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Reach out and we will make it sound good!
Platinum sound engineer in Europe, I could make your best sound an incredible sound. I work in several renowned Parisian studios and I have the necessary equipment as well as the know how to produce mixes and mastering hits. I also do insane beat and topline !👨🏾🍳😈
Beatmaker with over 7 years of experience making beats for my own songs and friends I collaborate with.
Professional Audio Engineer, Singer, Guitarist and Audio nerd ready to bring your ideas to life.
Crafting Excellence through Experience. Evoking emotion, & immersing the audience in YOUR world should always be the #1 goal. Getting there is the technical part, and that's where I partner with you to ensure your creation gets to your intended listener exactly how you intend it to be!
If you need guitar tracks on your song, I can help!
My specialty is live recordings but also mix studio projects in stereo and Dolby Atmos. Over 20 Years experience working with many of the world's top artists, along with winning 1st place twice in the International Songwriting Competition makes me confident I can bring magic to any project. I've also won an Emmy!
Graduated musician, experience of over 20 years. Multi instrumentalist. He has participated in major bands in the industry. Composes for great artists and for the games and cinema industries. Recording of real and virtual instruments.
Recent Successes
"Tyree has a ton a patience when it comes to mixing! He allows for many revisions, and really cares about the perfection of your track!"
"You can trust Nick 100% with the vision you have for your project. He is super thoughtful and helpful!"
"Kuyano is my regular master engineer. He delivers exactly what you need and is ready to do extra work. highly recommended! "
"As always... unbelievable! Kimera has become my favorite singer. I love how she can switch from soft to loud and from low to high. This track had a big range (I hated myself when I recorded the guide). But Kimera hand..."
"Very organized with a great workflow. We've been able to get a lot done! Would recommend to anyone"
"did some splendid sound design work for me again, will hit you up if I need another! thanks bud"
"This guy is terrific! - highly recommended. Rarely have I experienced such an easy and enjoyable project. I received a professional vocal track of the highest quality and original Lyrics which fit the mood I was loo..."
"Jason has done a really good job of reading how the drums should compliment the keys track, and in a very timely fashion"
"Michael has blues baked into his DNA! He is a quick study, articulates what he needs for a successful collaboration, and turns the project around promptly. He'on my "favorites" list!"
"The tone king. Kyle’s ability to dial in sounds and execute parts that perfectly fit the song is second to none. So often when I play tunes I produce for people, clients, friends, family, etc. they’ll instantly point ..."