Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marc-Lee Meining
Radio ready Mixing, Mastering and Production of modern Pop Music
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Hi, I am an Audio Engineer from Munich.
I am a SONG LYRICIST always on the lookout for good music/melody writers to collab with and am seeking to write full time with any studio that sees potential in my works.
Reach out today so we can discuss getting your song(s) off the shelf and into the hands of your clients and/or fans!
Mixing piano and electronic music is my passion, if you're searching for it you're at the right place!
Live Session Drummer - Versatile and skilled in the interpretationes of different music styles.
Eargasms guaranteed
Reggae Music composer,
More than five years of experience. I'm a producer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist with mix culture, so my music is a big mixture of world, african, indian, and latin in the modern & organic pop-universe. I've worked with songwriters and producers all over the world, but mostly in my home Mauritius, and I've produced several songs for Artist
Recent Successes
"Austin is really good at his job. When it comes to my music i get really picky and want it to be perfect. After some messages and remaking off the mix and mastring a couple of times, i finally was satisfied whit the f..."
"Amazing singer and songwriter!"
"Just amazing! Highly recommended this man!"
"Tim is amazing at what he does. I am an amateur when it comes to mixing & mastering, and Tim was patient and professional enough to help me with what I needed. His prices are very reasonable, and he makes the musical ..."
"Great, great mix! Love the balance the song has, and this mix does what I great mix should - takes me into and through the song without any glitches to pull me out of it, and just drops me on the other side. I'll de..."
"Un musicien qui peut à lui seul - par son instrument et son écriture - donner un tout autre aspect à une musique. J'ai pu grâce à lui redonner de l'éclat à quelques vieilles lunes: associant par exemple guitare et tr..."
"cane through on a very difficult mix and sound requirement!"
"Phil has played exceptionally on so many records I love, it’s just awesome to be able to play “with” him on my own stuff. And, he’s good dude who’s easy to work with. Can’t recommend any higher."