Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Manohermano
Recording and mixing engineer with 20 years of experience. South American ethnic music producer, also composer
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Highly creative, versatile, and willing to negotiate.
Working with international artists and with over 30 years experience as a musician myself, I know what it takes to make your sound punch. Finish it well, GET NOTICED!
I am a Nashville based session artist and producer with hundreds of remote sessions under my belt, who brings both impeccable technique and modern taste to every project I participate in. Contact me for professional tracks at an affordable price and with a quick turnaround time.
Are you an EDM / House music artist seeking to elevate your sound to industry standards? With my specialized expertise as a mixing engineer, I'm here to transform your tracks into polished gems that stand out in the competitive landscape of electronic music.
I offer services for mixing and mastering of songs, EPs, albums, and commercial audio for radio, TV, and internet media. I've worked in a wide variety of genres, but I particularly specialize in high-end vocals such as for jazz, R&B, soul, intimate acoustic, etc., and also in heavy rock and metal guitar tones.
Dereck A. Is a well know producer/ engineer in the Tampa Bay Area known for his mixes being As clear like water.
Bad Gal Singer, Versatile & Wavy
Recent Successes
"Wes was really amazing! He is extremely talented and delivers a high quality. definately one of the best around here! Looking forward to more collabs"
"Joey in 2 sentence , quick and perfect hahaha got my vocals right so fast . thanks bro i will see you again soon thanks!"
"Another excellent delivery of superb guitar playing and recording from Willy! The man is truly one of the best musicians you can possibly find to work with on Soundbetter, it's certainly always a pleasure for me. Than..."
"Nate is an awesome person to collaborate with - he pays attention to your ideas, returns fast and is extremely kind. It was a great experience including a superb result. "
"Top service and excellent communication. Quality arrangement and playing, flexible too. These guys are great! Servicio de alto, comunicación excelente. El arreglo es de alta calidad y también el toque. ¡Ellos son ..."
"Another amazing job from Andres! He really knows how to bring out the key elements in a song to take it to that next level. I highly recommend working with Andres, one of the best in the business! "
"Amazing to work with Stephanie as she was great to communicate with and get my ideas across to which resulted in the perfect final piece. "
"Won’t stop until it’s perfected. Definitely recommend. If you got a vision he’ll make it happen."
"Josh is as quick as he is a true professional! It is always an honor to work with him and not only does he succeed in bringing my vision to life, he revitalizes songs that I, myself have listened to too many times. Th..."
"I love his drum! He is the Best! With Nik, no worry about drums."