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Mackenzie Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Thank you for taking a look. We're here to help your demos become incredible sounding RECORDS. Give us a chance and you won't regret it.
Lyricist in Spanish English Swedish, Songwriter, Singer. Also producing my own music, use Logic and have access to good gear.
I do vocal mixing and song mastering
Involved in a Latin Grammy - winning album, also involved in a Latin Grammy - nominee in the same year for background vocals, 15 + years of experience. Able to sing many styles Spanish and English.
I have work with some couples of African music stars in like minds of Ice-Prince, Busts Pop, and Frank D'Nero
Rad City Recording is a Recording Studio located in West Chester, PA and run by Singer-Songwriter/Producer Shawn O'Donnell. We really enjoy working with artists to help them develop a sound that is unique to them by offering Songwriting, Session Work, Mixing and Production Services in which we can collab on your songs/ideas.
Striking harmony vocals, counter melodies and great pop songs, that's my thing!
Specializing in Zydeco, Cajun, Country, Folk, Americana Accordion
Recent Successes
"This is my third track done with zaro! He produced this one for an artist I'm working with! We sent him our idea and what she wanted and he did just that! Was simple, easy and was done within a week and a half tops (r..."
"Tom was great to work with. A quick turnaround time, helpful with suggestions to tweek the mix a bit, and a smooth finished sound. Highly recommend!"
"Kate has an angelic voice and she is so kind and lovely to work with. If you ever need vocals Kate is an obvious choice."
"Suzy is the best person for any job for any genre she loves to challenge herself and that’s what I like about her. She’s a dedicated, hard worker, caring lady who works extremely hard with your individual requests. I ..."
"Super professional, top quality vocals, on time and ready to work. Humble and committed to giving you the vocals you want. We knew we got all the takes and more."
"Diana is an absolute pro! Very versatile as well. 100% recommended."
"Dennis delivered both impecable timing and a crisp and clean drum sound that fitted the track perfectly. Truly professional!"