Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with LVDY
Vocalist w. 10+ years experience. Authentic, emotive vocals. Folk, indie rock, soul, vocal production, vocal arrangements, BV’s, and ethereal vocals. Do you want to bring some heart, soul, and emotion into your vocals? I got you.
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Hi, my name is, Amy, I am a trained vocalist currently residing in the NH area. I have been singing since the age of 14 and have had consistent training in that time frame. I specialize in writing/performing vocals in a variety of genres. I have a very smokey voice and can suite mainly any style of music easily.
The types of music with which I work, in their majority, belong to the whole spectrum of black music [funk, soul, reggae, jazz, disco, blues, hip hop] that I blend it with breaks and modern house beats. My main goal is the revival of musical aesthetic of past decades, especially the 1970s, having as first given the respect for the artist/band...
If you're looking for a modern sound I'm your guy. I want to help new and established artists get the best sounding production or mix they can. As far as I'm concerned the mix isn't done till your 100% satisfied.
I have not won prizes. i'm not famous. I have only forged my style by working with music since I was 16 years old. I'm the arranger you're looking for if you play pop or indie. I'm the one who makes you say "wow" when you listen to your new song. I have worked with artists such as Sigur Ros, Belle and Sebastian, Syria, The Disorder Of Things.
I am an indie rock mix engineer working in the Portland-Metro Area.
i don't have any grammy awards but i like to make music sound good
Ultra Publishing professional songwriter ready to write a song that pulls on your heart strings.
Enhance your stories with me through soulful melodies, luscious vocal arrangements and lyrics that articulate deep emotions.
Recent Successes
"The greatest saxophonist I have ever met! Mr. Gdaliy understands my needs. He delivered an excellent job and that is exactly what I was looking for. Super professional, prompt communication, and great price! Please d..."
"Solid work Andres! Looking forward doing upcoming projects with you."
"Andrew did an amazing job! Nailed the idea and really got the feel of the track. He went above and beyond to get it sounding perfect as well. Thanks again and I am looking forward to working with you again!"
"Matt gave his creative input to my sound along with my input on the sound which made a good song great. He is on job with turn around time, has been understanding of my ideas for the sound I was going after and go..."
"2nd time working and it's been amazing again!!"
"Another project with Michael that went flawlessly, he really knows how to carry a song to its fullest potential"
"The fourth one down, and as a Van Morrison album was once entitled, "... It's too late to stop now." Joel is utterly magnificent at creating melodies for my lyrics, and that falsetto he owns is stunning. Hire hi..."
"G is a great producer to work with! He’s punctual and can match vibe you’re going for on your song. Each draft he sends back with detailed notes outlining his work and is quick to make any necessary edits. Overall a p..."
"Another fun project with Alaina. She is an absolute pleasure to work with. Smooth sailing every time. "