Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lulalong
Hey there! I'm Tony Sage, an Alternative Indie Pop Producer and Mixing Engineer with over 6 years of experience bringing your musical identity to life. Based in London, I've had the pleasure of working with artists from all over the world, helping them transform their musical ideas into meaningful, polished, professional tracks.
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I've been singing for a long time now and i believe that singing is my passion. Let's make some music history!!
Indie studio - Pro gear / creative work - Pro micpres / mics - Wave Plugins: Eqs / Comps
I offer Logic Pro mixing services, mix feedback, and production coaching to help you release more of your music.
Producer with over 10 years of experience. Signed to Smash The House. Credits include also Universal Music, Revealed, Spinning - Controversia, 2Dutch, Global Records and more.
I am a Beatmaker, my name is ElOrario and I'm a Reggaeton / Trap beatmaker & producer from Dominican Republic. From 2016 I have worked with artists and producer music from all over the world. I am willing to collaborate with great artists and great brands. ¡Let’s make a hit!
Productor especializado en trap, boom bap, reguetón, synthwave y hip hop alternativo, también produzco indie pop, rock alternativo y pop punk; toco la guitarra y el bajo. Compongo música de todo estilo y me encanta experimentar con la fusión de géneros musicales para darle a la escena algo fresco y expontaneo.
If you're seeking someone to ensure that your recordings or live shows exude personality, professional guitar tones, razor-sharp riffs, or vocals that make you feel like you're ascending to the heavens, you've found the right person. Let's create something extraordinary.
This beautiful instrument gives music a particular style. Its versatile sound can be added to various musical genres from South America and Europe as well.
Recent Successes
"Matty is a very talented engineer with a very profession customer - client relationship"
"I had a great time working with Andrijana. She nailed the vocals I was looking for, for my pop/rock track. Andrijana was easy to communicate with, she worked fast & was super punctual and very passionate! She also del..."
"Top notch vocalist! I totally will work again with them"
"Incredible work by Jeff. Normally I have so much feedback for other people mixing my work but Jeff just nailed it. He is very talented. He really took the song to another level and is a pleasure to work with. The whol..."
"It took a little while longer than anticipated but was well worth as always - Aim Strings arrangements are always straight fire!"
"Otto is very very professional. His understanding and vision at top level. Definitely recommend working with him if you want to get excellent quality. And I’m hoping to work with him again!"
"I waited 4 months for Kushal to finish building his gear that he promised would make my productions bigger, wider, and deeper! Glad I waited. Will be coming back for more :) Thank you!"
"Sara (per usual) delivered an emotionally intelligent performance where she once again demonstrated her skill to breathe life into a song as the main element of the musical track. I also want to compliment Sara's t..."
"Very nice vibe, sound and groove ! I hope we'll do an other collab in the future !!"
"Max was awesome—great drummer and captured the vibe of the song perfectly, highly recommend!!"