Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with luigi 21
Gold & Platinum📀💿 Grammy-winner, Producer, Mixer, Profesor in Audio Engineering, Certified Pro tools|Dolby Atmos Specialist, Specializing in Urban Latin Music. Every song needs proper love and care, let me help you achieve the dream sound you always wanted.
Music Producer, Recording Engineer ,Mixer Engineer, Dolby Atmos Mixing Engineer Beat Maker ,Editor , Marketing Chief , Graphic Designer 3D Designer Marketing Advisor
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Let us help create a hit record with you! Our engineers take pride in our work to come out with the best quality. We mix we master we make beats we are Major Hit Studios.
Sportovní sázení je v ČR velice oblíbené a zájem o něj neustále roste. Z toho důvodu také přibývají další a další sázkové kanceláře, které se pokouší vnést na trh něco nového. Ohlédneme-li se zpět v čase, pak zjistíme, že zde máme několik sázkových kanceláří, jejichž existence na trhu přesahuje 20letou praxi.
I've composed and scored lots of soundtracks for short/long movies and TV adds. Besides composing and scoring I recorded tracks in many studios for great artists in many music styles including rock, jazz, bossa nova, blues, samba and MPB.
¡Hola! Soy un apasionado productor musical con un enfoque especializado en géneros urbanos, destacando especialmente en el emocionante mundo del reggaetón. Mi experiencia se centra en la creación de ritmos irresistibles que hacen vibrar a la audiencia y en la mezcla de voces que elevan las canciones a un nivel completamente nuevo.
LET'S COMPOSE A GOSPEL MASTERPIECE TOGETHER!! Hi there! are you looking for someone to compose your Gospel worship/praise song? or just a help in ghostwriting some verses? well I got you! send me a message and let's connect in doing the Kingdom business, I'll gladly help in composing or giving a structure to your lyrics!
I am a rock based guitarist from Germany, studying Electric Guitar with a focus on Jazz, Rock, and Pop in Weimar. I can apply my versatile musical skills and a clear understanding of guitar parts that serve the song in various genres such as Pop, Hip-Hop and electronic music.
An award winning, highly talented, professional singer for multiple genres including Rock, Country. Jazz, and Musical Theater.
Recent Successes
"Amazing how my vocals came out through this guys service! He will not dissapoint you i guarantee. Great communication and works in a quick amount of time."
"I love Justins work. Already working the second time with him and I will send the next song now. "
"What can I say about this Dude!!!! Ethan simply NAILED it! We were quickly on the same page and he captured the spirt and essence of the tune right away. Amazing vocals, harmonies and lyrics. Quick turn around. Go hir..."
"There is nothing this man cant do. You just name an instrument and he plays it and works with a seamless flow. Highly recommended to work with."
"Kurt is a rockstar! I absolutely loved working with him. He has an incredible voice, is very professional, and is guaranteed to turn your song into a hit. He hits it out of the park the first time and can run with you..."
"Santiago is a great drummer and professional in managing projects. He understood quickly what I was looking for, and delivered it even before the deadline we agreed. For the drums, I asked him to add details and var..."
"Austin exceeding my expectations on a mix/master. He took my song to the next level with radio ready quality. If you have ever thought about hiring someone to mix/master your tracks, Austin is that guy!"
"Review short and to the point: Brilliant! This is already my 3rd song with Honey, I'm more and more excited about her from song to song and I'm looking forward to many, many more songs with this "Amazing-L.A.-Rap-Babe""
"Another excellent track with Fabio!!!"