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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lucas Sader
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Multi instrumentalist producer and mix engineer - pop / r&b / dance / hip hop
Pro studio singer American and living in Paris. Has worked with renowed producers Dante Ross and Ben Blank. I'm Experienced, creative, and a vocal chamelion. Bring your song to life with my pro. soulful, trained vocals and harmonies. All musical styles welcome. Unique sparkling sound.
I’m a writer and producer from south Florida. Worked and wrote for industry artist.
We're addicted to making music. Let us help you make your musical goals a reality.
Dylan Lerner / Music producer, Sound engineer, Composer for films.
10+ years as a professional singer songwriter. I have toured as a backing vocalist with Wolf Alice and Phil Cook. I have shared stages with the likes of Mumford and Sons, James Bay, Freya Ridings. I have had syncs with BBC, Channel 4 and Netflix. I can also deliver high quality vocals for demos and high quality arranged harmonies.
Dynamic rock vocalist with experience singing everything from soaring chorus melodies to heavy breakdown screams.
Recent Successes
"Had a unique project was working on and Simms knocked the ball out of the park. Did an amazing job and will definitely use him again I’m the future. "
"There really is nothing like being a producer, having a vision for a song, and having the musician in your studio. THE ONLY OTHER OPTION OR SOLUTION IS ZIV!!! His understanding of theory production and most importan..."
"Stephen has been a true pleasure to work with. Step by step, the musical score turned from a vague idea into a living and breathing piece that made all the difference for my short film. Stephen is a talented, attentiv..."
"With this new song, we managed to take a new big step in our project!! Thank you Killian for your talent and let's go for the next song, each time you can only bring more innovation and talent! Always the best produce..."
"second time working with him, highly recommend! he’s very patient and makes sure you’re happy with the result. always a pleasure working with him"
"Just finished a song with Andrew and he did such a Great job... Worked with me on my vision of the song and he Nailed it! Super cool working with him! I highly recommend Andrew... He Is Excellent! "
"MARKISS is an incredible producer to work with. He absolutely elevates your track to its highest potential, answers in a very quick timeline, and is a class act. The best producer I’ve worked with and I will only be g..."
"Great deliver, smooth communication, thanks a lot Abbie!"