Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Botellitas - Doble M (Mix & Master)
.Good production makes a good mix, and a good mix makes a good mastering.
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sound producers duo from Kyiv, Ukraine What happens when you combine drive, talent and a fierce passion to create something exceptional in an environment where being on par with the trend is the only way? Ukrainian production duo “Wavewalkrs” are a far cry from what is considered in trend on the Ukrainian music scene.
The Gold Standard for Audio Production.
Bringing that bass and them tracks to your area
Whenever I'm recording a song, I always realize that it's the right thing to do. So you can count on me to be passionate and creative about projects. I get inspired by melodies, start writing the lyrics and record them.
Let's custom craft your sound and take it to the next level! I like to develop a deep understanding of what the artist and project should achieve. Together we can create art that we'd be proud of decades from now!
From Anais to Eugenie, I’ve wrote songs for many up and coming European Artists. I’ve also been working closely with Sony Music Publishing as a topliner, songwriter and vocal producer.
Individually tailored Mixing & Mastering for Indie, Alt, and Experimental projects. Great with standard mixes but best when Mixing and Mastering for bands and artists who desire a distinctive, genre-driven sound. Mixed and Mastered “Neapolitan” by Hot Flash Heat Wave—currently at 50 Million+ streams on Spotify.
Recent Successes
"Another song done with Dan! And I must say wow! He absolutly delevers everytime, he makes your songs better in a way you’ve never thought of! Its a pleasure working with a so talented man! My furture are defently gonn..."
"Tyree did an awesome job with our latest track, COUNTDOWN by Mya’Michelle. The mastering Tyree did on this song makes it jump right out the speakers! Very quick and professional service as always!"
"It was an absolute honour to work with Denis. He is super friendly and welcoming. Communication was excellent and very prompt. He has a very professional approach to the project and delivered a clean and crisp mix. De..."
"Hands down the best in bringing your songs to life. I found my go to guy for mixing. Much Appreciated!!!!!"
"Chad worked super fast to help me meet my deadline on this one. I appreciate his diligence and responsiveness (while still nailing the creative!)"
"I love work with Ghosteffects ! He is great ! Very professional very easy exchange with him Im never disappointed I truly recommend :)"
"Owl Cove —- worked on my very first EP to completion. Patiently, Diligently and to the end. I thought I had too many requests but this guy shot it all threw 👌🏾 def worth the time&money!"