Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lost Symphony
Millions of streams, a gold record and 20+ years experience. If you need a killer mix with insane attention to detail, professional level session playing (guitar, bass, drums, keys, orchestral programming), or a producer to ensure your music is recorded and released at the highest level, I'm your guy.
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Experienced writer with adaptable voice. www.soundcloud.com/kattymcgrew
Nearly 20 years in the business, produced in excess of 300 songs. Hybrid ITB and hardware studio, lots of vintage synths and drum machines. Click for my bio.
Recording Studio Owner, Mixing, Mastering, Music Producer, Recordings
Professional vocalist, songwriter and guitarist with over 25 years of experience making music with Indie and Alternative bands.
Professional musician, bassplayer and producer for various well known Reggae, World Music, Dancehall and Soca Artists around the world.
I’d like to ghost write for you.
I’m HITESHXZJAR - Indian born producer & Engineer. I've studied Music theory & production from Berklee. I'd love to work with your vision and ideas, bringing my experience to your music, song . I am now available here on Soundbetter to be your producer!
Recent Successes
"If you are a musician who mixes their own work, then Marcin is the man to go to for mastering. Rather than just take my inital file and slap a master on top, he gave me some very important advice that opened my ears a..."
"Easy to work with and excellent end product."
"Austin never fails to impress me! I had a strict deadline and Austin was able to work with me to get my song sounding its best within that time frame! I look forward to working with him again! "
"Oli was the only guitarist I contacted, as I got a vibe he'd be right for this song, and I wasn't wrong! We discussed what was needed for the track and everything was brilliant. He is also literally THE fastest person..."
"Saint Josh was a pleasure to work with. He completed the assignment in days and hit on every single thing I asked for and more. Saint Josh is going to be a star and I'm glad I got to work with him!!"
"Ken is a master of his craft! Great at mixing and mastering and all things audio related. If you want a great master with little sacrificed in dynamic range, Ken is your guy!"
"Another fantastic project completed with Stephanie. Her vocal ability is outstanding, she creates layers and textures that fill out the song, and she's so easy to work with! Thanks!"
"Eyal was amazing on the drums once again and was extremely helpful in mixing his ideas in and also replicating drum loop parts I wanted for the song. Did a great job recording and referencing the tonality of what I wa..."