Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Loren Ryan
Highly accomplished and versatile multi-instrumentalist with over 15 years of experience as a record producer and mixing engineer. Specialising in working alongside songwriters to create musical landscapes from their vision.
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I've been a Boston area engineer and drummer for many years. Mobile recording, mixing, editing, and mastering are all things that I do.
I'm passionate about creating great art with my clients. I work alongside pop, acoustic and rock bands and artists, helping them develop and achieve the best in their songs, performances and mixes, creating a distinct sound that stands out from the crowd.
Session bass player, with a multitude of studio experience including part-writing & recording on both electric and synth bass for a variety of artists in the UK. Live experience includes radio sessions, and international touring.
I’m a passionate sound mixing and mastering engineer from Melbourne, Australia, with a diploma in Audio Engineering received in 2018. I’m Pro Tools 101 certified and have collaborative mixing and mastering experience in many different styles of music. I love music and have played trumpet myself for many years.
As a songwriter, I understand songwriting. I enjoy the process, (as frustrating and challenging as it can be)! I believe in following the song; following the lead of the song from it's catalyst. The song has to say what you need it to say. The lyrics must mesh with the vibe of the music. I am willing, anxious and excited to see a song come to life.
3 decades experience creating commercial and soundtrack music, 20 years of tango, yes tango, I've had a lot of practice partnering and co-creating. Conservatory trained, with fellowship studies in India, Indonesia, Africa, and LA. Let's create something unique together.
Am unique specializations with music
Jim Siizer, is a Ugandan Singer-songwriter and a multi-award winning artist.
Recent Successes
"Chris is a killer drummer and a pleasure to work with. Real creative approach to drumming. Very interesting ideas, punchy grooves and the recordings are top notch. Bravoo!"
"Great experience working with Winnie 😇 she putted me at ease with the lyrics and gave them the right kick I needed 😊 I am happy to work with her so that I have started another job allready for my next track 🤩 Positive..."
"Another amazing job done by Bram! had abit of trouble with mix down due to working away an only able use headphones, Bram completely elevated my track to sound loud crisp an all elements clear with a tight low end! To..."
"Great working with Ralph. He came up with a melody that worked for my song and gave it the potential I knew it has. The song sounds radio ready. "
"Such a great dude. Work was way above expectations and extremely quick too. Will 100% be coming back for more and I highly recommend to anyone!"
"I had a great experience working with Francesca. She has excellent drumming skills, provides quickly turnaround, and makes quality recordings that are a pleasure to work with."