Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lily Escudero
Producer, Guitarist and Mixer, Collaborator on Latin Grammy-winning album and on records by many other nominees. I want to bring out the genuineness of each artist.
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My focus is to help you create something that your audience will remember based on how they FEEL when they hear your song!
I signed a 1 year Artist Development Deal; and now working as an independent artist looking for more collaborations, and professionals to work with, as I further my music career.
Music Producer, Sound Engineer and a Flautist
I'm a multiple Beatport Top 10 Charting Producer, living in Brazil! I'm Producer, Remixer and busy Eletronic Scene artist.
Indie artist from Toronto with over 600,000 monthly Spotify listeners. I write all my own music and play the guitar. I am a featured artist on Odesza's most recent album. Will do all things - write, topline, sing, produce.
EDM mixing
I'm a skilled audio engineer and music producer offering high-quality audio services for musicians, podcasts, and video games. I can provide customized audio solutions that meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations.
Recent Successes
"What I like with Austin is that invests a lot in his clients and adds that little extra in his customer service. Communication was good and the duration of the service was within reasonable time. I recommend Austi..."
"Hi I'm not a musician, part of a band or do professional stuff that most of you guys do. I am a regular girl with songs I love that are very rare & unusual that need TLC restoration ❤ Trevor really is a sweetheart, a ..."
"Reese's level of performance and communication went way beyond my expectations. He absolutely nailed the rap on the track and the quality of the stems were perfect. He's got a great intuition for what works and puts a..."
"Jose was really fast , the bass line was amazing! I recommend him 100% if you want your low end sounds amazing."
"Excellent job on this. Great communication and quick turnaround. "
"Mr. Ho is an amazing producer! He works with big artists but gives you his equal attention and definitely tries to make your song an industry relevant gem!"
"Liz is a gifted lyricist and aims to please. "
"Christian is excellent! Christian worked so hard on my project. Working with brand new original score, singing both parts of a dual-language duet, is a clearly a very talented and proficient musician, as well as being..."