Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Life Lessons and Love Languages: What I’ve Learned on My Unexpected Journey
I am an audio engineer with six years of professional experience in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. I've been working with Pro Tools for ten years. I have three years of experience with ADR engineering, and ADR session prep. Let me make your audio shine!
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Recording / Mixing / Production / Multi-Instrumentalist for hire
Here for your hip hop beats I make them to sound good to the hear.
I would love to help your music be the best it can be.
Multi-genre Singer, Pianist, Sound Engineer, Guitarist, Bassist, Drummer, and Audiovisual Producer, with thousands of streams online. I've worked with many labels and artists worldwide. I can write and record quality vocals and piano very quickly for any project.
I can compose and produce most styles and genre's of music for anyone in need.
Hi, Thanks for stopping by! My name is Caleb, (or GRIMIE). My core purpose is not only to help my clients better understand what it takes to become a well-established artist in the music industry but also to help make music production as simple and exciting as possible!
Greetings, (assaf avshalom) from israel and i am a musician/elecronic music producer
My main focus is editing, mixing and mastering for new and inexperienced artists but I pick up on just about anything I can get ahold of. I'm here to help complete your vision, even if you aren't completely sure what it is yet. Let's breathe life into this world together.
Recent Successes
"Very easy to work with. Fast turnaround. Professional as it gets. "
"Second song we worked together. He made it sounds like no one did. My music has gone to another level one more time thanks to him. He is patient, efficient and passionate. Thanks again."
"This was my first experience with Igor for editing/mixing/mastering and it won't be last. Super easy to work with, gives great advice. There was a lot of work to do on my original tracks and he delivered very fast an..."
"Ashley knocked it out of the park! I highly recommend that you work with her, she is super fast, reliable, communicative and a great singer! 10 STARS!!"
"Nico has a great sense for my music and delivered one more time a soulful mix. It is always a great pleasure to work with!"
"It was a great pleasure to work with Austin and he has taken the song to the finest level. He's also friendly, reliable and flexible. Will come back for more. :)"
"Bruce always delivers tasteful tracks that elevate the song. I'll be coming back to him for many more tracks in the future. Thanks, Bruce!"
"Carlos was very generous in his patience with the project. Always wanted to make sure the client was happy. I’m grateful for him. Thanks Carlos!"