Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lhotse
I am a classically trained musician and composer, and focus on writing and recording songs. Whatever the genre, if the song has instruments and vocals, I can write and record any part for it.
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I can write in any mood, in any circumstance give me a mood, give me a topic, and I got you covered.
UK based Producer, Mixer and Mastering Engineer with over 200 million combined streams across Spotify and YouTube. I work closely with every artist and band to define their vision and create outstanding and stream-ready music.
Looking for a prolific, visionary producer? I have a wide range of music production experiences in genres from pop, rock and cinematic styles, to current sub genres combos like swagger-urban, country trap and many others. I can take your project to the next level with my roster of vocalists, session players, mixers and mastering engineers.
Professional graphic designer
LaSelvaBeats More than 10 years in the music industry!
Berklee College of Music graduate of songwriting and music production utilizing Pro Tools. Doing session work for 8 years, I have learned to serve your song and not get in the way.
Composiciones variados estilos y co-producción musical:
Want a truly unique and moody sound? I produce eclectic electronic music that incorporates chiptune-like sounds, well suited for horror or cyberpunk works. Featured in Magrathean Technologies's Incognito series of episode video games.
Recent Successes
"Great work from Cosobatero, very professional, with total engagement to make things possible in order to get the very specific sound I wished, and also to get the best groove for the song. (Very patient too, as I badl..."
"Tom is amazing at mastering! I really enjoyed working with him and plan to work with him in the near future. He is great at making sure everything was done perfectly and made sure to ask for my thoughts each chance he..."
"Declan has proved himself as a very good Masterer. He is great at taking on feedback and is clear on time frames. Would recommend. ☺"
"Super fast turnaround! And what else can I say about Josepine's vocals that you cant already hear in her audio samples? Just a killer voice and top quality tracks. Thanks again for knocking it out:)"
"Wonderful, nice and creative ! He's the best "
"Wouha ! What a stunning artist ! He delivered the job in 3 days and has targeted so well what I wanted. He asked me the right questions at the right time and has perfected the song I had in mind in a timely manner. He..."
"Loved working with Emily! Super talented and an incredible writer. Looking forward to do more together!"
"Working with Nate is a dream, he's an absolute pro. We've done a bunch of songs now, always a pleasure."
""Sylwester Faustmann is a great professional and artist. He possesses a lot of sensitivity, musicality, and attention to detail. His care and attention were always close and very attentive. I highly recommend him.""