Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Leona Lewis string engineer
Past Engineer at Mark Knopfler's British Grove Studios The Witcher - Vocal Engineer John Legend - Vocal Engineer McLaren/Sky Launch Engineer Mark Knopfler - Engineer Mark Ronson Miley Cyrus “Nothing Breaks Like A Heart” String Engineer
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I'm the music producer and CEO of 3 Way Recordz. I have doing music for over 12 years. Producing several songs for local artists in my area.
I'm a classically trained soprano who can sing pop and other genres.
With over 10 years of experience in the industry I can help you sound right TODAY!
The Soulful & Electrifying sounds of NaGem will illuminate & elevate the vibration of any Pop, RnB, Jazz, Soul, Country or EDM track. Her ability to tell stories with both her lyrics and voice is refreshing and exhilarating.
A youngest music nerd ready to discover a gem in the music market together with you
Dbreathe aka DJ Dbreathe, (born 27/8/1978) is known for making high-energy breakbeat and leftfield bass with an hypnotic style and becoming a well-known name and producing tracks that dominate club sound systems worldwide starting with residencies at The Hacienda Manchester and Cream Liverpool. He is a skilled producer and remixer.
Are you looking for the Jackpot? Well look no further than Elijah Benjamin, "The Multi-Tool"
Recent Successes
"Daniela restored two tracks for me that we recorded by my late grandmother in the 40's. They were hard to hear, fuzzy, popping noises, and she restored them so much better than I thought possible! I can't wait to shar..."
"Really excellent and talented engineer. David did a great job for me."
"Luke is a really dynamic drummer and nailed the groove for my track really quickly. This is my 2nd time working with him and will definitely be working with him again for future projects!"
"Killian made me a very nice arrangement for a song I wrote. He found the way to respect both the soul of the song and the modern sound I wanted. Very happy with the result and sure, I will work with him later on."
"First time working with Graphwize. He made a great first impression. He replied in a timely manner. My song was mix and mastered in less than 24 hours, when usually it takes a couple of days from last experience. "
"Yoad is super professional and made the necessary adjustments to my song until we got it just right!"
"I have to say I'm impressed with work ethic and a very client oriented approach. I wasn't sure at the begining if my decisions and ideas on tweaking the mix were right, but we just tried a bit and it was OK if I chang..."