Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with LENAX
Every mix has to serve the artist and the creative idea - not vice versa!
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I know what i`m doing.
Mix e Mastering of Distante the first Album of Claudio Carlucci
We connect the world of music and business, we create music libraries that build an atmosphere suited to the company's image. Audiomarketing.
I write songs in Spanish with good melodies for Reggaeton, Trap, Pop or any urban genre
Passionate Recording, Mixing and Mastering Sound Engineer, ready to take your sound to the next level!
Producer/Audio Engineer, Major label work with many Grammy award winning Producers and Artists, 6+ years experience
Welcome to RedLab Studio! I'm Billy Jeanz and I'm going to lift your track to the next level using high-end analog and digital equipment and give a rich competitive sound to your music!
Recent Successes
"WOW, what can I say... It's more than words. In just a couple of days your dream gets into reality and beyond. Chris reads my mind. If I were George Lynch with a million-dollar record-deal in my pocket, I'd make sure ..."
"She really dialed in the right performance and it can't be improved - it's exactly what the song needs. Her choice of using a ribbon Mic was so smart - it blends into the mix so perfectly. Can't wait to work with her ..."
"Amazing work from Tom once again, this is the mastering guy you've been looking for."
"Hunter is an amazing artist and multi-talented musician. He also knows how to craft a song by adding subtle nuances that add character to your song. He is very easy to work with and gives you a product you can be pr..."
"Emi is a MASTER mixer with an ear of gold. She NAILED the style that was requested and was very receptive regarding feedback to the mix. She is also very quick and will have your tracks perfected without delay. 10/10 ..."
"Top quality work as always!"