Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lacchesi
Hi, I’m Niclas. I specialise in mastering electronic music, my main mission is to make your tunes shine. I offer the following: -Free consultation on mix -Free sample master to all new clients -Free Revisions until you’re satisfied! -Several Beatport techno #1 under my belt. mastering.niclaserlandsson.com
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I'm an 18 year old Music Producer and Music Artist with 5 years of music experience. From Atlanta Georgia, now live in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. Music runs in my family and I have a love and passion for music.
Treehouse studios is availalbe to Artists, who are ready to get their music Professionally Recorded/Mix/Mastered and ready for professional release.
Hi, I'm a musician/recording engineer/producer based bay area, who works over the internet to turn your demos into full production songs. Some of my skills includes keyboards, orchestral arrangements, and drum programming etc.
My name is Matt Simons just completed my masters from the University of London in English Literature. I love Dissertation Help students around the world. The cheap dissertation writing services online offer customers the power to create customized dissertations.
please email my mgmt natasha@cultiv8artists.com for all inquiries
Producer, mixer, musician and songwriter in the multi million streaming band Selma & Gustaf. I’m on board any project/inquiry as long as it’s about music or eating cheescake.
Vroom Collective is a collective of musicians that do all sort of jobs from arrangement - to live recordings. On average we have around 25 years of experience in the music industry and have worked on numerous projects, from Country albums to Kid' voiceovers. We work in our own studio based in Zagreb Croatia- and are mainly focused on session rec.
Recent Successes
"Alex is just awesome, can deliver any vocals at a stellar level, great to work with!!!"
" With this platform, making music becomes so easy,Thanks for Javier‘s Help,He did a Great Job! Looking forward to the next cooperation"
"Working with Sefi is a always a high quality experience from the start of the procees to the end. I look forward to working with him again!"
"Stephen Thomas Sims is a treasure and gift from God! We have been making beautiful Contemporary Christian songs together for awhile, starting on our 5th one now! Stephen has ALL of the great qualities that you look fo..."
"Matt's ability to take any type of project and create awesome mixes is unrivaled, his treatment of vocals is seriously impressive. Using his services is a no brainer. "
"Highly Recommend. Perfect for EDM songs, work fast and clear and bring your song to the next level. Ready to work with him soon again. It was a Pleasure Bram "