Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with la tragedia feliz
Multifaceted producer/engineer I have produced many artists from different musical styles (pop, trap, indie, artpop, electronic music and more). I can give the artist the sound that he has in mind and translate it into the speakers, be it from the production, the mix, the master or all together.
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My name is Brad Rothwell. I've been involved with music most of my life. Graduated from Full Sail University with a Recording Arts Bachelors in Science. I have been recording, mixing, and mastering since 2012 as a freelance audio engineer. I work with many styles of music including: HipHop, Trap, RnB, Electronic, Pop, Rock, and Indie music.
Hi I'm Roman from Vienna, Austria. I'm a Singer, Guitarist, Songwriter and Mixer.
Kasey is a Nashville studio and touring drummer. He has recorded and toured the world with acts Tonic, Jo Dee Messina, Aaron Goodvin, Darryl Worley, Jace Everett, Josh Gracin, Bobby Bones and Sam Lewis.
I have a wide range of experience & clear working knowledge of what makes a great song, from concept to final mix. If you need help establishing songs with strong, emotional lyricism, melody and the right sounds, I'm your go-to guy! If your song has the ability to connect, I'll help you bring it to it's highest possible potential.
Top quality and friendly service.
Do you want a cellist who's performed with Yo-Yo Ma? John Legend? Do you want a cellist who is competent in remote recording? A cellist thats performed on sessions for Comedy Central and feature films? Thats me!
Arkhangel Alliance is a musical project that mixes R&B, lo-fi, trip hop, pop and dance music, with elements of soul music. Songs that celebrate life, melancholy songs, a journey of feelings and emotions.
Recent Successes
"This man works faster then my pen could write. Great musicians very unique style. This someone who probably cares about your project as much or more then you do. "
"Amazing Quality!!!"
"He worked with me until the song was how I wanted, and he followed the detailed notes. He really helped me in the recording booth to bring out the vocals to the highest potential. The mix and master sounds great too!"
"Bram is a pleasure to work with and a great engineer who can give your production an extra boost it needs , highly recommend the mastering service for your electronic music productions to get it sounding sick! "
"I am very pleased with Christian's work- he was very pleasant, communicative, understanding, easy to work with, and worked hard to help me achieve what I was looking and in the process, he helped to elevate my song to..."
"First off, sounds amazing. The sound quality was great, the range, the tone, everything, was just awesome. Also, he went above and beyond, layering everything with harmonies, with vocals that sounded very polished eve..."
"Drea professionalism, talent, and dedication to the project were evident from the very beginning. She brought a unique and soulful touch to the song and effortlessly adapted to a more operatic style upon my request. H..."
"CHUMA AFRICA is very talented and very easy to work with. He sent whatever I needed right away and I'm excited to do more projects with him."