Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with La barra
German Tosas, the engineering behind Tosas Studios in Cordoba. As the owner, he's the go-to expert for recording, mastering, and producing music. With a legacy of over 2000 CDs and DVDs, German's precision and passion set him apart. At Tosas Studios, every note resonates with clarity and emotion, making it the choice for artists seek.
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I am a composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist with over a decade of experience and I'd love to work on your project!
I am a perfectionist that aims to always make a song the best it can be.
If you can visualize or hear it in your head you can achieve it, let me help you harness your sound and let the world hear your dream come too life.
I am a music producer and aspiring mix engineer that wants to work with you! I am open to different genres and pushing boundaries. I want to make sure you are 100% satisfied with the end product.
Lets make a mix that represents you best as an artist!
i write songs and mix/master and play a ton of instruments and styles! let me know what i can do for you
Hello, my name is Yeff Martinez Musician, arranger and music producer. I have a studio in Mexico City called orbitian studios where I have worked on numerous productions with national and international artists. I would like to be able to work hand in hand with you to be able to bring your music to a better version, Contact me
Unparalleled Production, Mixing, Mastering, & Results: If you want your tracks to sound as incredible as they do in your head with exceptional turn-around time for a reasonable rate, then look no further than THE engineer you've been searching for.
Recent Successes
"Another perfect project. Kristal is the ultimate artist in creativity, vocal ability, phrasing, musicality...I could go on. Makes me want to write more just so I can use her for more projects. A million stars"
"I’m very pleased with my decision to work with Nicki. She’s a true professional & here voice is awesome, she can take your song from 0-100 % Great Job Nicki !!!"
"When nothing but the finest will do! Erika brings the essence of the song to full flower.🌺 I look forward to working with her at every opportunity in the future. For my music, there is no other choice!"
"This marks our third piece with Morgane and there seems no limit to her vocal prowess. We could not be more thrilled with yet another stellar performance. This instrumental work required a soprano capable of deep musi..."
"Dylan has been a charm to work with. He is super patient, happy to explain things, and also is very keen on making sure you are both happy with the final product. Despite the US/UK time difference we have managed to w..."
"Brandon is unbelievably awesome! His creativity and talent is out of this world - he is able to write not only amazing lyrics and melodies, but also create wonderful and rich stories out of them that flow and also con..."
"Great delivery again from Justin. Look forward to working with you again!"
"Another great job done by Andres 🔥"