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Kyushu Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Mixing engineer and synth/drum machine programmer, working freelance helping musicians turn there tracks into record's
Over a decade experience making music! I love telling stories over beats. I'm a one of a kind singer/songwriter looking to give more life and quality to your next project!! Lets get to work.
being real is the most powerful tool in the music industry
I love making artists visions come to life through music! Lets make something together
I produce electronic music of all kinds mainly chill music.
In past I submitted tracks to Beluga Heights in attempts to get signed and was also advised by Zach Katz ,also have many top contacts to producers ,songwriters ,managers ,publishers ,promoters worldwide
Recording, mixing, mastering, drumtracks
I'll mix and/or master your solo/band project! 10+ years of experience.
Recent Successes
"This guy takes your music to the next level. He has some great equipment and really know how to use it.Highly reccomended! Also, Kristofer is a very nice person to work with."
"Great job and really great at incorporating feedback. The first master was far off what we wanted, but he took all my requests into consideration and gave us just what we had imagined. Recommended!"
"I've had the opportunity to work with Wes on many projects now and doing so is always a pleasure! He is a brilliant artist and brings authenticity, precision and emotion to every project. I hope to work with him on ..."
"LOVE working with Mark. Super quick and accommodating! Truly cares about what he's doing. What a treat!"
"Super creative caring and professional!!!"
"First time working with someone on a song, and he definitely made the experience very easy and he was able to bring out the sincereness of the song to life. will for sure work with Saint Josh again!! "
"My favorite vocalist!! Helped me out big time!! :) :) :) 5/5"
"My experience with Andres was fantastic. He was kind, knowledgable, understanding and willing to help make the best of my project. Can't thank him enough for his time and professionalism. I hope to work with him again..."