Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kyra tv
Eccentric, soulful, and prolific with over 10 years of experience in singing and songwriting.
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My name is Cole Holden. I'm a mixing and mastering engineer looking for new opportunities to explore, and clients to help and work with. I know how expensive projects can get, so I'm willing work with you with rates and pricing. My strengths are in heavier rock and metal, but I have worked in easier listening genres as well.
Hey! I'm an experienced Singer-Songwriter, Producer, and Drummer from Bogotá, Colombia. I've toured with chart-topping artists all around the world playing different genres. This has given me the experience to learn and analyze lots of rhythms in order to blend any musical style and create the music you want to listen. I'm ready to work with you.
Unlimited Revisions, Credits: Sony TV, Innovura Entertainment, Aaryan Tiwari, Krazer, DJ Felix. 100,000+ Streams across all platforms. Over 10+ years of experience. Let's level up your streams and number of fans, with better mixes and masters.
Skilled producer/songwriter working in ANY genre, collaborating with qualified mixing-mastering-sound engineers, session musicians and music companies. I worked with major artists over 1mK's (Kip Winger-Rock in one of my own albums, Amr Mostafa-Pop, Mansur Ark-R&B, Birsen Tezer-Jazz..and more.) My work is peculiar, inimitable, inspired, initiative.
Providing Motivational Inspiration through Savage Slaughtered Frequencies
I`m a male vocalist and i can record in a proffesional studio voices, songs,etc. Composer and writer.
I’m a Pro Tools user, I am originally from St. Thomas, USVI but have lived in St. Croix for while. I have work with many all around the Caribbean and more.
Recent Successes
"Amazing singer and songwritter...Jazelle is an absolute pro at what she does! She's very talented, and it was a pleasure working with her. I would love to work with Jazelle again!It's super smooth and easy to work wit..."
"Wow. I'm really glad I chose Eric for my project. He replies very quickly, has a professional attitude and his vocal was just what I needed. He's a great person to work with!"
"Awesome like usual! "
"Great job ! Beautiful playing and very fast turnaroud time ! Hope to work with Marcelo again in the future."
"Guy is THE GUY for mix and mastering. I was very nervous at first but you get exactly what you pay for. Quality, Patience, and Effort. I will definitely work with him again."
"Working with Sophia was super easy, fast, freindly and very professional. Good pitch, She can provide high quality vocals! Will surely contact her again for future projects. "
"What can I say super responsive which is a must in this business, He delivers quality mastering in short time frame will work with again."
"Gabriele is such a kind person, and amazingly talented guitarist/musician, his guitar pieces shine from the start, with as much heart and emotion as is possible to create with six strings. Thanks again, Leo"
"Second time working with jameema and just as happy! Very characterful voice which was perfect for my protection. "